Police unblacklist app....
All though the time has expired this should still be looked into. I don't believe alot of unrightfully blacklisted cops would have the confidence to ever rp as police until some light is brought into this matter.

Your name: Furasian[SgtYoshi]

Your blacklist ID: 14656

Steam ID:
# 438 "Furasian [SgtYoshi]" STEAM_0:1:19914434 01:47 232 0 active

Reason: Random raid.

Admin who blacklisted you: Jamie

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:
[Image: 5Ac36DB.jpg]
This photo shown of a officer WITH HIS GUN Lowered was a photo a player took during a police investigation. This RP situation (trying to actually passive rp as police) involved reports of three cars stolen. The property this police officer stood on was the only owned property within the area of the three stolen cars (Two bmWs and one Lambo.) So. A warrant was issued to follow this lead where officers went ahead and searched the place. The player didn't even ATTEMPT to rp instead continued to provide hostile comments and threaten to ban us. (AS YOU CAN SEE ON THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER OF THE PICTURE.)

THIS ALL WAS A RP INVESTIGATION. FOLLOWING A LEAD TO THREE STOLEN CARS. Nobody raided with intentions to find contraband they were searching for stolen cars.

On another note: There have been multiple rp investigations. This player has been the ONLY player to complain Oocily while others complied Icily. How the hell are cops supposed to RP passively if they get blacklisted every dang time some angry person blows the whistle? Events lead up to this search and yet... Police get in trouble.

Evidence on search: Plausible cause - Within the area of three stolen vehicles. APPROVED BY PRESIDENT.

The recent blacklists of a WHOLE police force was because of one angry house owner. I give you staff an applause!
Fill out the template properly. http://www.fearlessrp.net/blacklists/index.php
Sorry. I've *Never* been 'banned' before. This answers alot of freaking questions though.

Most of this is being done with a smart phone to stick bear with me here..
I'm the one who issued the BR on these particular individuals so I assume that means I can type here. I'm not trying to cause an argument or anything here but: You weren't passively RPing at all. You ordered a search warrant on my head, kicked down my doors and shoved a loaded MP5 into my face, so please enlighten us to which part of that is passive? Furthermore, the fact also remains that you can clearly see the car park from a distance, as there are no walls obstructing vision, so you should have been able to see that there isn't a Lamborghini or two stolen BMW's, just my Hummer. I didn't even bother to attempt to RP because why should I? You've broken a rule and forced your way onto my property without even consulting me whether I've heard of any stolen vehicles or asking me any questions. To my knowledge an investigation involves you asking questions about the matter first and if there are any suspicions raised that I have caused the offence, then you raid. If you had followed that procedure and RP'd an investigation correctly instead of going in guns blazing I would have happily played along with it. However, you decided to, along with most police officers, go with the rambo approach. Weapons loaded and on full auto, ordering me up against the wall. That, my friend, is why I never bothered to RP, that is why I was annoyed at you, that is why I posted the BR, becuase what you were doing wasn't passive RP at all, in fact there was harldy any RP at all, you just shoved a gun in my face ordering me to turn and face the wall, it was you getting a chance to flash your ceramic off and order me around because you have "Authority".
Just because some cars where stole, Doesn't mean you have the right going round getting search warrants to find them. If there's an area blocked off. You don't go breaking it down from being "suspicious" that the cars were there.

You should have had an officer stay there and wait for the owner to come back, Not just get a warrant and go in because no one was at the entrance.

Not to mention, Cops don't go around with Mp5's equipped for stolen cars.
(The transitions on this defense are not so good I can not edit very well) Cops dont go around with Mp5s on a search warrant? Cmon down here in florida. The police had M4s during their search warrant on my friends house. What were they retrieving you might ask? A one of them directed us that his car went down the road to that establishment.

The owner of the house was present but the car owners had no knowledge of where their car went. (Excelt for that one who told us which way his car went.)

In an investigation according to constitutional laws: if there is a plausible cause then cops can search. If there was a problem with the cause the president should have denied it. You can check the logs in how the cop next to me requested the warrant. We waited for about 20 seconds before issuing the warrant. The reason maybe that the house owner did not come was the gate was soo far away from his house and out of his line of sight expecting that he saw us because his vehicle he was driving was directed towards us during a turn.

Oh i like to add we did find the cars! Some jerk was collecting them in the lake.
You should have only taken weapons if you knew or had a hint that the person you were searching is aggressive or carries firearms.
Alright then there was the flaw I guess. Deepest apologies for being an arse to the staff if they ever read it like I acted like an arse! But in all honesty police officers carry out every warrant with firearms at hand. It was only me presenting a firearm during this search (I just realized those other SRU units and cops were not even involved in the main search I do not know why THEY Visited the house. The first search was only me and the cop)

If anyone deserved the blacklist though it should've been me. Some of those people didn't deserve the blacklist. (Such at the police officer by my side.) And people shouldn't argue on the ooc and talk mighty big sh!@. Since it's been a couple of days that memory has faded but... The one who accused us is at fault too since he flamed and argued over the OOC.

And to the one saying it wasn't rp... My friend it was RP. As soon as you began to talk crap about us the RP flow went down a waterfall into the deep abyss known as clusterf!@# hell. If you didn't notice I was the only one with a gun presented. The other cop had his holstered. The SRU raid was another story. That was not authorized. So don't go into that "OH you trying to act like rambo" gibberish on the first search.
I only blacklisted those who I saw involved, Your blacklist is already over and the other two only have about an hour left.

Try doing a "Passive" rp without guns next time Smile

Resolved, Closed.

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