Totally Random Raid
Thread Title:
Random Raiding/FailRP/NLR-Breaking
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?)
MaSeLKo PL, Jellio45 (Many cops and few SS but i think these guys were the rulebreakers the most)
SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)
Jellio45: 76561198060470477, and i didn't get the ID of MaselkoPL.
Time in GMT: (When did it happen?)
~16:00 in GMT +2
ServerSadOn which of our servers did it happen? v2d/v33x/v2p?)
Summary: (What happened?)
We were chilling in our base at pool house (3 Rebels) when 4 cops, 1-2ss, and 1 Citizen (Job was C.I.A. Agent) randomly got a search warrant and after that got inside our base. Then they started to shoot INSTANTLY everything they saw. They killed 1 rebel (who didn't even have a gun), and started to shoot through our rooms (made of props). Not really sure what did they tried to do but they destroyed some of our contras with that way. Basically they just ran around, shot everything they saw, cracked the keypads and destroyed almost all of our contras. When i asked multiple times what was the reason for raid, all i got was " We heard the sound of contraband" And the SS said "Someone contacted us and said they are hearing contra sound from here so we forced in". When one of my friends came to our base ( he wasn't there at first ), the cop tazed him and instantly shot him into head without any warnings or anything. Most of the cops also broke the NLR, when one of my friends started to shoot from his little base inside the poolhouse, he got some of the cops down and when they died they didn't even care about it. They took their car and came back to shoot us. What the heck? And sorry about my bad english i hope i did it clear enough and you got the point of my banrequest. That just pisses me off so bad when people randomly raid places and the only reason for that is they are running around the house and hearing voices through the walls. Also without any warnings and stuff...(+ FailRP+NLR-breaking) And i have seen many bans about that.
Evidence:SadTry to get as much evidence as you can get)
Pictures about the happening. ( I didn't really know how can i post them better way)
The cop is running around our house and collecting "evidence" for raiding
They are inside our base, tazing,shooting,destroying, no warnings or anything.
I asked a reason for this shit and this was all i got
And here's the other head of this raid
I don't see sufficient evidence here to backup your claims. If you have video evidence please post it, if you have clearer evidence then post it too.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
(04-28-2013, 02:55 PM)Holdem Wrote: I don't see sufficient evidence here to backup your claims. If you have video evidence please post it, if you have clearer evidence then post it too.

That is accidentally everything i got ... Gonna ask if my friends got any screenshots about the happening. But when the guy says reason for that was only the sound of contra... isn't that anything? It's not reason enough for raiding, right?
Well this isnt all true. First of all I wasnt one of the main 'Rule-Breakers'. I killed nobody, niether did i start shooting first. Admins can check the logs to see if i did kill anybody, but this is how everything turned out. So i was just driving around when i saw the Police Commander (MaSeLKo PL) checking out the rebel base. I went over there to check if everything was okay, and he said he was listening for contraband. So i decided i would help him to be a nice person rather than driving off. So i was standing outside when i heard the electric sound of a money printer. I rush back over to MaSeLKo PL to tell him i heard contraband and we should call for backup. So thats what we did. We called for backup, and when it arrived i told everybody that there was definately contraband in the rebel base. I told them not to go charging in and trash everything, but to enter with caution. So the SS agents knocked on the door and asked if they could do a check on the rebels property, but they refused. So we only had one option, and that was to get a warrant and ram our way in. We went in and i do not know who started shooting first, because i was last to enter, but IF it was the government, i believe the police entered first. So there was a massive shootout and i did not really want to die, and i'm pretty terrible at gunfights, so most of the time i was hiding behind cover. I acturally got no kills, but i did witness an officer called V.L.A.D. RDMing unarmed rebels. Anyway, back to the point, Once all the rebels were down, we went into there little rooms and found contraband. So the noises were right, and it wasnt a random raid. Hearing Contraband obviously is a good enough reason, If i was correct and there was contraband. C.I.A Agents know the sound of contraband, and contraband is illegal. We had all the right to raid.
(04-28-2013, 08:34 PM)Jellio45 Wrote: Well this isnt all true. First of all I wasnt one of the main 'Rule-Breakers'. I killed nobody, niether did i start shooting first. Admins can check the logs to see if i did kill anybody, but this is how everything turned out. So i was just driving around when i saw the Police Commander (MaSeLKo PL) checking out the rebel base. I went over there to check if everything was okay, and he said he was listening for contraband. So i decided i would help him to be a nice person rather than driving off. So i was standing outside when i heard the electric sound of a money printer. I rush back over to MaSeLKo PL to tell him i heard contraband and we should call for backup. So thats what we did. We called for backup, and when it arrived i told everybody that there was definately contraband in the rebel base. I told them not to go charging in and trash everything, but to enter with caution. So the SS agents knocked on the door and asked if they could do a check on the rebels property, but they refused. So we only had one option, and that was to get a warrant and ram our way in. We went in and i do not know who started shooting first, because i was last to enter, but IF it was the government, i believe the police entered first. So there was a massive shootout and i did not really want to die, and i'm pretty terrible at gunfights, so most of the time i was hiding behind cover. I acturally got no kills, but i did witness an officer called V.L.A.D. RDMing unarmed rebels. Anyway, back to the point, Once all the rebels were down, we went into there little rooms and found contraband. So the noises were right, and it wasnt a random raid. Hearing Contraband obviously is a good enough reason, If i was correct and there was contraband. C.I.A Agents know the sound of contraband, and contraband is illegal. We had all the right to raid.

I dont even bother to say anything for your "hero story" I said how the thing is already. Just waiting for this request to go approved or denied. And yeah btw i didn't hear any knock knock's. Neither did anyone else inside there. And many admins ban people every day about random raiding. The sound of contra is never reason enough, thats what they say, go and ask.
I was one of the rebel-gang-guys.
I went in (unarmed) after hearing about this raid, a cop tazed me, and then shot my tazed body to death. I didn't even have time to say anything, or have a clear vision of what was going on.
(04-28-2013, 08:50 PM)Cagar Wrote: I was one of the rebel-gang-guys.
I went in (unarmed) after hearing about this raid, a cop tazed me, and then shot my tazed body to death. I didn't even have time to say anything, or have a clear vision of what was going on.

Exactly Cagar! Like i said, The police were the ones random arresting and shooting everybody, even unarmed rebels. Im just saying that i didnt have a big part to do with this. I was just the guy who told the government about my hearing of contraband, and then i just went in with them, didnt kill anyone.
Insufficient evidence

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