[Finished] 74th Annual Hunger Games
GeorgetheBoy Wants to be in district 6. He says to tell you that hes awesome and looks forward to being in the games.
OOC information:

Steam Name:scootershot




Sponsor Report:


Age: 14

Skills: survival,human anatomy,sharpshooting,evading

District: (1-12, 8

Additional Information:I love making things and I know where to hit
OOC information:

Steam Name: Hungames

Hours: 200

Bans: 7


Sponsor Report:

Name: Peter

Age: (between 12 and 18) 17

Skills: (Survival, Archery e.c.t.) I am a man with great archery skills (Guns). Also I will be thought on how to strangle a human.

District: (1-12, only two can be in a district so if your chosen one if full please change it) 6

Additional Information: I will try to make alliances. If all fails, Climb agree and kill them.
stupid signature keeps breaking
All tribute spots are full, if anyone doen't turn up I will contact you guys that couldn't get in.
Hey. They were "supposed" to come to my house and fix the Internet. Our ISP is full of crap. They never came. Just in case, have someone ready for our district. JUST IN CASE.
[Image: 8ua.gif]

Click this to see bacon
Ok thanks again for saying.
what time in Texas, USA will it be when it 19:00 GMT so I'm not late to the show.
Can I be a peacekeeper if all districts are full.
stupid signature keeps breaking
Well, I just found out the event is at 5am my time so, I will be waking up early.
[Image: Astro%20Signature.png]
Made by DigDug
I have 5 RP point(s)
Not sure if I can make it, unfortunately. Still count me in with District 1, but if I do not show up, you expected it.
My internet whenever I launch Gmod crashes, thus I cannot play Gmod, then anymore games / downloads. Cannot even browse the internet.

Fair warning! Still trying to fix this however.

UPDATE: Cannot make it. Sorry everybody, thought it looks like there is 1 more spot in district one!

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