[FL:RP] Fillehh
(04-13-2013, 07:53 AM)fillehh Wrote:
(04-12-2013, 06:44 PM)Bobjamin Wrote: Im sorry "Ran him over into injured mode then turned around and ran him over again". I don't recall you telling the admin that earlier, don't change what happened now just because you have been proven a rule breaker.

Someone need to stop me... I'm about to destroy something due to these guys being mentally challenged (Just warn me for this... I can take it).

I told Aviator that one these guys hit my friend (Simoon) with a car. That took him in to "injured mode" and after that the car drove away a few meters and then it turned around and all of a sudden the car drives over my injured friend.
I got out of my car and started screaming "OUT OF THE CAR" he started driving and that's when I caught up with him after telling my partner to take the other way to ram him. We got him and then I called Aviator due to the fact that he broke both FearRP and also CDMed someone.

I would just like to point out that both of these guys have 50+ hours. They should know the rules by now. But instead they have made up their own rules that they walk around and tell you. "CDM is okey if he is in the road", "We own the new offices and you are tresspassing", "Random taze, I was blocking the way but I'm too stupid to know that, the elevator was too crowded".

If an admin thinks that I am being too hostile (I think so myself) then please tell me to type to you only. I can not take these guys, they are not here for RP... Their RP yesterday involved something... I don't remember but that was not RP.

I would just like to point it out to you guys that you said "We own all doors" but if you look at the evidence that suggests otherwise.

Yes we may have been wrong in some departments, we have been told about this and have been penalized for it, What you don't seem to understand is if i was "FailRP" yesterday i would have been banned myself, But was i? No. You took it upon yourself to call an admin for a stupid reason Which is and i quote you "I told Aviator that one these guys hit my friend (Simoon) with a car. That took him in to "injured mode" and after that the car drove away a few meters and then it turned around and all of a sudden the car drives over my injured friend.
I got out of my car and started screaming "OUT OF THE CAR" he started driving and that's when I caught up with him after telling my partner to take the other way to ram him. We got him and then I called Aviator due to the fact that he broke both FearRP and also CDMed someone." I CDMed someone because the fool jumped into the road while i was driving thats his own fault he might have been put into injured mode but he wouldn't have been hit again if i wasn't crashed into ONCE AGAIN by your fail RP officers, At the end of the day you was in the wrong by pulling out into an intersection without looking left or right and giving way to the right person, you took it upon yourself just to pull out expecting nobody to be driving up the road, abide by the rules of the road, Or atleast read a book that tells you. Don't be so incompetent. And as for blocking the elevator you was the one blocking it, Bobjamin was stuck inside me so neither of us could move, but nope you tazed for a stupid reason which is so you could get in the elevator? For what reason? Why did you have to FOLLOW US SPECIFICALLY, As soon as you saw my name you thought you would be an ass. There really was no need. RP for a reason and NLR you broke. You saw us in a previous life, That does not mean you can come up to us at moment and pretty much troll us. At the end of the day, I suggest you stay away from me and Bob because it looks like we have a problem. You keep your distance we will keep ours. Okay.
Pretty much what Hypjamin said, I would also like to add that you keep changing the subject numerous times and keep forgetting the real reason why I made this thread. Keep this thread on topic or do not reply. If you feel you are being provoked into calling us mentally challenged because you fail to understand the point of this thread then please let an admin reply. Since you have a "learning disability" I think you need to keep the "retard" and "mentally challenged" phrases out of here.
[Image: 2egbonc.jpg]
[Image: 2vd2rd3.jpg]
Seems your "stupidtidy" got the best of you again. If you are going to revert to making "memes" then I suggest you at least use the correct spelling, I'm surprised you didn't call it a "Fred". Also if you're going to post unrelated pictures in this thread to try tell me I can't bump my un-answered ban request to the 1st page at least do it right. Saying that you don't care about being warned just shows that you have no respect for the rules and you clearly know you're breaking them. I suggest waiting for an admin to reply and that you should stop posting unless its related to the thread subject.
" Bobjamin was stuck inside me so neither of us could move"?

If anyone would look at the "Provided evidence" you can see that they are not stuck in each other.

And as it seems you still don't know what dyslexia is so I'm going to send you to a page that can tell you about it Link There you go!

If you ever talk shit about my dyslexia or anything else about me for that matter I swear to god that I will follow you on the server and every time you make a mistake I'm going to gather that evidence until I have enough to get you 2 eggheads banned.

I'm guessing that an admin will review this soon and I would like them to TALK to me. I can explain the whole situation and even aviator and some other dudes are welcome to join in!

IF ANYONE WHO WAS AT THE TOP OF OFFICES ARE READING THIS: Please reply and tell them your side of the story.
I am standing on fillehs side on this one.

I just want to point out that saying something about fillehs "learning disability" was pretty low.
RIP in Pepperonis.
Saying something about his learning disability? I told him not to throw terms like "retard" and "mentally challenged" at other people since he has a learning disability and even if he did not he shouldn't be using those terms to "offend" people.. I also find it funny how I'm the bad guy for posting a ban request and making no bad remarks or gestures and just getting Filleh replying like a little child. If you don't have anything reasonable to post please keep it in that head of yours.

Seeing as though you think stalking me on the server will help let me just add that you have already broken numerous rules on the forums.


b.) Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated and will lead to a ban.

d.) Members should remember this board is aimed at a general audience. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning.

Evidence of rule breaks.

Quote:And as it seems you still don't know what dyslexia is so I'm going to send you to a page that can tell you about it [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSTj2AjCKbZTEWey5ogj4...i301wuxMcM] There you go!

I'm guessing this was meant to say "clowns"

Quote:saw these clows

Knowing you were breaking the rules but still going ahead with it.

Quote:Someone need to stop me... I'm about to destroy something due to these guys being mentally challenged (Just warn me for this... I can take it).

Quote:[Image: 2egbonc.jpg]

Quote:[Image: 2vd2rd3.jpg]

Quote:If you ever talk shit about my dyslexia or anything else about me for that matter I swear to god that I will follow you on the server and every time you make a mistake I'm going to gather that evidence until I have enough to get you 2 eggheads banned.

It is clear that you failed to understand what I had put, I was talking about how people with Dyslexia have methods to break down text if needed too. I was stating that to fully understand the purpose of this thread it was important for YOU to read my side of the story before posting.

Quote:I'm guessing that an admin will review this soon and I would like them to TALK to me. I can explain the whole situation and even aviator and some other dudes are welcome to join in!

You should post your side of the story here and wait for an admin to reply. There is no need to argue here since it will be an admins decision on the evidence provided what happens next. All evidence should be posted in this thread with an explanation about what happened.

Quote: ANYONE WHO WAS AT THE TOP OF OFFICES ARE READING THIS: Please reply and tell them your side of the story.

I don't see how this is relevant since I was already banned for "basing in the office" and no officers were there until we had reached the top floor.

There is only 3 people (other than admins) that should be posting here, as you can see from the evidence provided nobody else was involved.
[Image: 079EF691D782CA6C407F5EB0C1C036E3C1A14481]

Alright so in this picture the one i took and gave to Bob as evidence not sure if you are aware but usually elevators have 3 walls 1 floor and a roof including a set of doors. Now that's cleared up, The reason behind ME being stuck was pushing the elevator button too early causing Bob to run into the elevator. I will admit i was trying to stop said officer (Fillehh) from following us. You do not have any form of proof i was stuck, and yes you can follow us around the server, but you won't have much enjoyment doing it, In any case you are just "FailRP" once again. - Feel free to bring the whole server to us, the three pictures we have supplied show you in the wrong, nobody else but yourself.

Nobody took a dig at Fillehh's difficulty if people read what was put instead of assuming they are correct all of the time people would get along with others much more. Lol. sure. This thread could go on for months and months, until an admin reads it, and until Fillehh stops trying to change the subject. We won't get anywhere. Will we.
This is my reply:
Both of you provide more pictures!
You spammed the camera button atleast 20 times. Provide some more pictures or just share your steam gallery!

And if you guys would stop trying to provoke my by lying and stuff that would help the case too.
The admins are able to check the logs to see if some of the parts of your storys checks out. But the "Being stuck" part is bullshit.
You guys were not stuck, so stop saying that.

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