Bobjamin Unban Request
Your name: Bobjamin

Your ban ID:

Banned by: Aviator

'Basing in offices'

Involved: Hypjamin

Why we should unban you: I have not played in a long time, and I did not realize that I could not base in the offices. Since I've only played the other maps where people would buy every door and build a fading door I did not realize that basing on the top floor of the V2P map was against the rules. When the admin came he told me that I could not base in the offices and I also said that I would remove it as soon as the whole police force including SS would leave ensuring that my contra would be safe (which they did not know about until the admin said in ooc). I'm sorry that I did not read the rules fully and/or did not understand them, but I have now read up on the rules and understand what I can and can't do. I would really appreciate to be unbanned since I was planning on playing for most of the weekend with a friend that I had just bought donator for.

Unfortunately, you broke the rules and I thought a ban would be fitting. Therefore, the ban will remain. One of the reasons why I banned as well was because you you use of language against 'Fillehh' the Police Sergeant. Combined I thought a ban was needed.

I hope this clears somethings up.
I only told him to Shut the **** up and let you handle it since he was spamming his mic and I could not concentrate when he talks 24/7. I also asked him numerous times politely to be quite so i can listen to what you have to say. How is he aloud to call people retards then? I also understand now that I broke a rule, but I even said I would remove it once the space cleared, I think I deserve a second chance and a final chance, I have read the rules and I now fully understand.+
Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Suspension for accused player Bobjamin (STEAM_0:0:46084104) will stand as issued, as suspension is 24 hours or under and therefore not subject for appeal. Even so, suspension was deemed vaild.
Please note, basing in the offices is not allowed.

[FL] GhostRider
Server Administrative Team

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