Getting a blacklist removed?
Couple days ago I was playing as a cop, and left my car next to me unlocked so I could easily chase speeders. As I was typing someone hopped into my car, ran me over, and went to CDM.

The staff member Jamie was doing his/we job, and tried to stop it ASAP. Not realising I was the driver the blacklist was set, then removed when they realized I was never the driver. (nothing against you, Jamie, just back story)

However, it is still on my record, and I want to have as little "rule breaking" on my account as possible, since I have certain goals set on this server. Cheese

Is there any chance that this could be removed? Does it stay forever? Will it impacts future gameplay in any way?
I have 4 bans (and a blacklist 4 tlkin lyk dis n ooc yh) and I've noticed as long as you have under 5 bans, there is no chance it will effect you in anyway. I got all my bans around the 10 hour mark. Don't stress it. It's only a blacklist, but no, sorry, it's cannot be removed.
This is very simply solved.

Just make an Unblacklist appeal, and make it clear what happened. Just explain as you did he and I believe they will remove it from your record as it was a misunderstanding.
If that's what happened, make an unblacklist request here:

Don't forget to use the template:


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