Fast Food - Food Stand RP
Hello there, Fearlessians! i had a big fun doing this rp today, 2 days ago, 3 days ago Smile I was simply a foodstand owner. I was using a grill to make burgers, hot dogs... selling newspapers, making coffee with my blender, and tea with a teapot. I had best fun with the last part of hamburgers/hotdogs, grilling Smile I had a fridge too, which was protected with keypad, and i used a code to open it and give to my customers other drinks too. Thanks everyone who participated and bought things in my Food Stand! Hope you like it! Smile

[Image: 2013_03_28_00001.jpg] [Image: 2013_03_28_00002.jpg] [Image: 2013_03_28_00005.jpg] [Image: 2013_03_28_00007.jpg]
The following 1 user Likes Freezak's post:
it was epic how you did grill the things, big fire and then you set chinese in the fire.
Looks nice!

I must ask, where do you find those props? And the broom etc.. I saw you having it :p
Kind Regards,
Looks good Cheese
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Very cool little stand as I was the one to give you an RP point Cheese
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The following 2 users Like beflok's post:
  • equal, buffalobagingi
Cool stand, I recall seeing you using it once, sadly, I got called off to stop a reckless driver as a Police Officer before I could buy anything from it.
Yea dr. beflok, i was surprised how i got rp point for that Cheese thanks again. I've used it yesterday too Kevonier so you had Chance to buy something Tounge and i remember when you couldn't be able to buy anything as cop arrested you Thinking
That looks very good. Well done!
Great RP!

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