unban me rexundra
Your name: Mr.D7OM501

Your ban ID: 14624

Banned by: ruxandra

Reason: Basing as a BMD, blacklisted before. Bypassing his ban.


Why we should unban you: its ben 7 months ban. can you unban me rexandra i want to play again on fl !

thank you
If you wish to be unbanned, you might wanna put some effort into making your appeal. Please also try spelling the banning administrator's name correctly.
(03-26-2013, 09:56 PM)GhostRider Wrote: If you wish to be unbanned, you might wanna put some effort into making your appeal. Please also try spelling the banning administrator's name correctly.

sorry i put ruxandra now.
To start off, explain who Wazzzup (STEAM_0:0:53727071) is, and why did he log into our servers while you were banned using the same IP address as you had?
(03-26-2013, 10:03 PM)GhostRider Wrote: To start off, explain who Wazzzup (STEAM_0:0:53727071) is, and why did he log into our servers while you were banned using the same IP address as you had?

wazzaup is brother of red orchstra

and they are my cosins

and storm too he is freind
And why did you use his account to continue playing after being banned?
When I questioned you, you admitted to using a secondary account to bypass your ban because you "wanted to play so badly on the servers", so this lie is more or less null into my eyes.

Stay banned until you have enough guts to tell the trouth.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
(03-27-2013, 10:20 AM)Ruxandra Wrote: When I questioned you, you admitted to using a secondary account to bypass your ban because you "wanted to play so badly on the servers", so this lie is more or less null into my eyes.

Stay banned until you have enough guts to tell the trouth.

you layr i dont use 2 account i only have 1
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User warned for posting without sufficient rights.
Calling the person who banned you a "layr" doesn't exactly help your case.

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