Sad to see you leave, especially after all the good times we had. Cya buddy, good luck I guess.
Liam, you where great on the server and i am sad to see you go. There is not much more i want to say other then farwell and you will be missed. good luck in the future.
-Giant Pony
Goodbye. I am saddened by this, but I respect your decision. Good luck in the future.
guess its a goodbye from me :'( I miss the memories of us going rufley about 70-85mph in our bmws street racing "because we can " but its a goodbye from see you soon hope you return mate Smile
So many decent Players are leaving. I believe that the ratio to people Joining, and leaving is 1:5. Goodbye ixLiamHD, i don't believe we ever Role-played together, but its still sad to see a member leave.
Sad to see you leave, you were a nice guy. Hope to keep in touch on steam.

[Image: NkvEySV.png]

Cya buddy, good luck in your future endeavors!

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