BR in Itsasecret10
Name of player: Itsasecret10

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:2109878

Time in GMT: Gmt +2 13:58

Server: V2p

Summary: Randomarresting for 15 mins as soon as I spawned. Also arresting bunch of people on sight.

As you can see on 2nd video, I got arrested right after I spawned. 2 minutes passed

You can clearly see you're outside nexsus, not at your spawn so I'm not instantly arresting everyone at spawn like u first accused me. It was a lockdown, SS had been fired upon and more shots were being declared on the radio. SS were out because of all the shooting. Pres asked all those runin around durin lockdown to be arrested, I shouted freeze u kept runnin so u were tazed. People were out durin lockdown then they got their arrest. There was no way of me to know how long you'd spawned for etc, and you were outside the nexsus these things happen. Plus your animation at the end makes you look like a minge.....
You arrest me too in front of appartments. I come to appartments to meet up with friend and you arrest me and my friends. No warn just random arrest.
You're not involved in the above issue so shouldn't be commenting.

However, I'll address your problem directly-you were out durin lockdown, congregating in the street and one of ur group had a rifle out as they were dancing. You know that as well as I do.
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Evidence was not deemed sufficient, as accused player was not found violating rules.

[FL] Fultzy
Server Administrative Team

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