Minecraft Wolf in Second Life
Its Work In Progress but im working on The Wolf Mob from Minecraft in Second Life

I couldnt sleep so I started to work on it now.

This is far as I got for now.

What do you think? Tounge

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[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
If you keep posting this, i am gonna have to download this game Tounge!

Btw. Very nice Cheese!
Don't remind me of the wolf I used to call Scratch.

It died to spiders :(
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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Signature graphic by Barkles
Too... much... furry!!!!!! *head explodes*

But it looks good! xD
I don't have a FL signature...
But look! I have BACON!

[Image: bacon.png]
This reminds me of charlie...

I shall not rest till i killed all creepers in minecraft..
My Wolf in Minecraft is name Bruce Tounge

I might show some Screenshots of Him and my house on my Friends Minecraft Hamachi Server

Well I'm almost done with the Textureing on it.

The Pink parts are the Texture Image, I just move them around and place the right parts in the right place useing X Y Cords

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
Not to double post but I'm done with them.

I don't know how to script for Second Life but I will be selling the Wofl Prims, Don't know how much though Tounge

There 11 Prims each

I have 2

One Standing and One Sitting

I posed the faces to look like there looking at you.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]

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