21 day ban reduction appeal
Your name: Forlorn Watchman
Your ban ID: 24780

Banned by: Fultzy

Reason: Basing in labs / Fade door abuse (10th ban)

Involved: Fultzy
Why we should unban you: First off, I'll just correct Fultzy with the fact that this is my 9th, not 10th ban, because although there are 10 listings, one of the bans was lifted because it was an inaccurate accusal of me being an alternate account, and I don't believe that my 9th ban should have the extra, what? 16 days? 10 bans seems reasonable, but I don't think the 9th ban should have 3 weeks, and I have never seen this happen, I only see the extensions from things like 12th-13th ban.

Alright, call me an idiot, but I have never seen the rule where it says basing in the labs is disallowed. It probably falls under the nexus building rule, but I didn't know that, so it's my fault, anyway.
But the thing I want to contest is the fading door abuse. In the rules, it says:
6. Don’t use fading door tool to fade a prop away to shoot.
In fact, I never used the fading door tool in a combat situation in my advantage. So first off, I opened the door a few times, but during these few times, I opened it but did not shoot at the SS. If this is being referred to, then I didn't close the door when cracked for my advantage. The SS got in, we exchanged fire, then the door was closed, and he was back outside. Later, when I did open the fading door, I did shoot, but I had no advantage, because I didn't fade the door, shoot, and close it with the numpad. I opened it, stepped in front of the faded prop and everyone was fully capable of shooting at me, I did not use it to my advantage, and I believe that it is unfair to say that it's abuse when I didn't use the fading door in my advantage.

Overall I'd simply like to say that it is my 9th ban, sure it's a lot, but 20 days for this is somewhat out of necessity in my opinion. Please consider reducing the ban time.
You were basing in the labs. If you remember the way you get down into the labs you go through the nexus. The labs are apart of nexus. You have been here long enough that you should know that clearly by now. Also with the fading door abuse. You were using your numpad to shoot people on the other side without having to use the button to open and close it. I went down to the labs after it was reported you were down there. I then watched you do this. You were no where near the button when the door opened and closed. This is Fade door abuse.
(02-17-2013, 04:18 AM)Fultzy Wrote: You were basing in the labs. If you remember the way you get down into the labs you go through the nexus. The labs are apart of nexus. You have been here long enough that you should know that clearly by now. Also with the fading door abuse. You were using your numpad to shoot people on the other side without having to use the button to open and close it. I went down to the labs after it was reported you were down there. I then watched you do this. You were no where near the button when the door opened and closed. This is Fade door abuse.
Like I've said, I opened it before. When i DID open it, I didnt use the button, Ill admit to it, however, I did not shoot them at all at this time, and I didnt fade shoot, i only opened it and looked at the SS and then stopped. When I actually committed to the gun fight at the end when i killed them, I WAS near the button and i didnt numpad abuse.

Like i've said, i agree that i have broken a rule because of my ignorance on the subject, i am just requesting a ban shorten because I have 9 bans and not 10, and I feel that 3 weeks for such offenses is very long.
Ill move it down to 16 day ban instead of the 21 due to the fact that it is your 9th ban instead of 10th.

Do you accept?
(02-17-2013, 04:39 AM)Fultzy Wrote: Ill move it down to 16 day ban instead of the 21 due to the fact that it is your 9th ban instead of 10th.

Do you accept?
May I ask why there is an extension at all?
The only reason you made the ban from 3 days to 3 weeks, was because you saw there were 10 listings, and I am guessing if there were only 9 you wouldnt have changed it. Since that was an invalid ban, why is it extended? I am sure, you wouldnt have extended the ban originally if it was my 9th ban? Why should the invalid ban hurt me?
You have been here for a year and you did not know that basing in the labs was against the rules? That makes me even question if you have read the rules at all. And you used your numpad to gain an advantage over the SS. It would of been a 3 day ban if you didnt have 9-10 bans. You are averaging a ban every 40 so hours. That is a large amount of bans for that time. I would of extended it for both 9-10.

Instead of guessing you should take the generous offer of shortening your ban due to the one being a false ban. But that is my opinion.

Would you like the ban to be only 16 days?
Alright, if my only options are 16 days and 21 days, you don't seem to want to even listen to my dispute, you'd rather try to make useless comments such as "That makes me question if you read the rules at all", and since you don't seem capable of looking for a more fair alternative, I'll go with 16 days.
In all honesty Honored, you should realise the futility of arguing the difference between an extension due to 9 or 10 bans.

I myself extended a ban the other day due to the offender having 9 bans, not 10, 11,12 or 13 but 9.

Extensions work in different ways; if I suspend a player for prop abuse and they have only 5 bans but 4 of them are related to props then I will likely extend it due to that player clearly having some sort of attachment to prop related offences. (Digression, but it is an example)

There is nothing to state that 10 bans is the cut off point for extensions, 9 is still a large amount.
You guess you will settle with 16?

Your attitude is going to be rewarded with nothing.


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