Lab at v2d?
This have probably been asked before, but why is the "lab" area at V2D closed. The one you can teleport to behind a wall or somethin?
Kind Regards,
Yes there is a "Lab" outside the map but theres no teleport to it.
RIP in Pepperonis.
Easy to turn into doomfort, players can stuck in each other, doesnt fit to cityRP(this was answer of one admin, personally I think that there is nothing "unreal" in that lab) But still, players would stuck in each other
(01-25-2013, 03:14 PM)Killjoy Wrote: Yeah, the labs are closed off from public use on our servers due to their mismatch with our real-time RP and some conflicts with door/basing rules.

Anyways, from what I was told, the VaultRP took place in the v2d labs.
Well. The labs could be great for SciencetistRP if the sciencetist suits will be added...

(PS: Aren't there a lab/vault on v2p too?)
There's a reason why the vault isn't accessible.

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