Saving My Dupes

Recently, due to the thing with all the dupes being removed, i would like to ask if anyone knows a way that i can save my Advanced dupes to a folder on my computer, so that when the server does remove them, i can just put them back into the correct directory.

The reason why i need to do this is because i spend alot of time making dupes, and i dont want them to be removed again, so if anyone knows any way that i can get them saved onto my computer, then it would help me out alot!

The server doesn't allow dupes to be uploaded from users own listings.
(01-12-2013, 11:22 AM)Killjoy Wrote: The server doesn't allow dupes to be uploaded from users own listings.

So does that mean that i cant save my Advanced dupes that i made on the server, to my computer, so when the server removes them all, i will have to create them again?

Why did all the dupes get removed. What was the reason for it, because i am not quite sure, and i think i would like to know, because maybe then i will be prepared when it happens again
As far as I am aware they aren't gone, just not available right now.
Alright, so does that mean that there is a relativity high chance of us getting them back, or do you think i should just go and re-create them again. Many of the creations that i had created i spent at least 1/3 of my time on fearless creating them, and i don't want them to go to waste. Someday, they will be back!
You'll get them back.
Alright, i am glad to hear that. If i had lost them, it would mean i would have to spend about 40 hours just trying to create them again, and i don't think that i will be able to do that. As-long as i know that i am going to get them back soon, then that's fine!
(01-12-2013, 04:53 PM)Commander Fi5h Wrote: Alright, i am glad to hear that. If i had lost them, it would mean i would have to spend about 40 hours just trying to create them again, and i don't think that i will be able to do that. As-long as i know that i am going to get them back soon, then that's fine!

Good thing to do when contra farming?
When i have a build session i usually just put contra down somewhere and take money from it every now and again.
I also do that, but it doesn't always work, as someone Randomly raids me. But yes its a good idea sometimes!
mine are gone too will i get them back ?

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