x J0NN1
Your name: x J0NN1

Your ban ID: 21120

Banned by: Jamie

Reason: BR Approved: Mic Spamming

Involved: Iwan, Myself, later on Narcotic

Why we should unban you:
I realize how annoying mic spamming can be cause people have done it to me before on the server. I never realized how loud it was coming out of my mic because with the program I use to play it, I only hear what it would sound like in iTunes. If I had known it was that loud I wouldn't have been playing it, or atleast at that loud of a volume.

Also, I think the ban was unnecessary because what you DON'T see in the video is that I was muted by Narcotic for micspamming.

I think I should be unbanned because if I was already punished, then why am I getting banned for it?
I will unban you, But you need to calm down on the music playing through your mic.

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