Ban request on Mr.Jazz[CZ]
Player name:Mr.Jazz[CZ]

SteamID (if possible): sorry forgot in game

Time in GMT: 8:35 (GMT + 0:00) UK

Summary: using props to get 2-3 cars out of lake then hit me with the props and took 50 health

Evidence: screenshots below:

The screenshots mainly say it all plus i don't know if he stole the cars for himself after or not.
Please don´t ban him, I don´t know him but he is Czech (his country is next to mine) and I can explain him what is RP and all around this :-)
he still should not have done this...... none else would get away with it...
Me and evo, and Nudel were on at this time.
Why didn't you /pm any of us?
i pm'ed evo got nothing back then i dc'ed

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