Banrequest NoobxKiller
Name of player:NoobxKiller

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51058847

Time in GMT: 10 minutes before this was posted.

Server: v2p

Summary: Sigh..
-As rebel, he locked himself up in nexus top floor, with a heavy propblock.
-Then broke fearRP, ran away from gunpoint
-Tried to propkill
-Changed job to avoid arrest (he went cop, and we got him demoted because he was failRPing in lobby. Compare my time on the server on the screenshots)


Oh, and a happy christmas.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Me in the bottom picture Cheese Anyways, He was mining around in the elevator running from tazers and punching everybody who came in the nexus elevator, Though i dont have proof enzyme and other people can confirm that.
(Oh and he played with the gate too)
I just banned him for 12 hours for breaking FearRP.

An administrator can extend that ban if they review the ban request.
I have also got video proof of him randomly punching me. He obviously has no intention to RP and shouldn't be allowed to go on the servers at all.

Youtube Video

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