Server Not loading
So yesterday i was able to play FearLess and today i tried it and it stays frozen on "Recieveing Sever info..." and loads all quick and it probably need like 4 more white blocks to be full and then it stops and the loading bar on the background stops also.The music continues playing and it goes to a point where the music stops playing.I have played on this server before,I am a donator i play everyday.After i click anything on the "frozen" screen it sends me to my desktop with hl2.exe because it crashed.I can join other servers DarkRp,Surf,TTT...etc .I have waited up to 45minutes for it to load.I am very shocked how yesterday i was playing fine and today i am haveing some difficultys.
Sound like a client-side issue, it's for sure not the server.
Have you downloaded everything needed in order to connect to the server?
Yeah i have EVERYTHING I can join the V2d Server and Build just fine,I just freeze on the v33x server.I have no idea why as i was able to play it last week.I even re-installed garrys mod.
Usually this happens to me, but I still manage to join if I browse on my other monitor until it loads. Be patient and let it span out.
Ill try it,and let you know what happens.
The resualts are still the same,Loading bar stops both background and foreground.Music continues playing.HL2.exe has stopped working and exits me out of garrys mod to my desktop.
I have this problem also.
Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok

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