Death Penalty
To be honest, due to the apparent huge cost and time wasted trying to execute certain individuals it should be used depending on the situation. I'll use the example of Anders Breivik. He killed however many people, he is clearly guilty and so the huge death row process that takes so long could be avoided by giving him the death sentence straight away.

Now some would argue that dying is the easy way out but that depends on who you are, if you caught some child rapist who didn't expect to get caught and sentenced him to death, quite frankly I believe he would shit himself. Now people like Anders may see death as a way out or not. The fact is he probably deserves (then again, who decides what people deserve) to be taken off the face of the planet.

However it would have to depend on certain situations. For example, executing a terrorist caught trying to suicide bomb a place, or even executing someone like Osama Bin Laden would be an easy way out for people with that sort of ideology because of their belief of Paradise and the fact that they were willing to kill themselves anyway. (Not going off on a tandem regarding religion, but that is true).

So overall, most of the time the death penalty becomes a farcical because of the fact that it takes so long and costs so much money. If it was used in express situations where hopefully that long process wouldn't be needed than I guess it could be used.

On a personal ground I am going to be honest. I am not going to pretend I am some all loving person who believes in forgiving everybody, I would rather see people like Breivik and serial killers dead. If someone had killed my entire family etc. then I would want them dead. Does that make me crazy? I don't know. Maybe I would think differently but I have no trouble on moral grounds of the life for a life concept.
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  • HellShell
Some people say this: Death sentence: You're just as bad as him by taking his life.

And I think that that's complete: [Image: bullshit.jpg?w=500]

I think this is the right way to say it: What would you do? Taking his life, or let him go and let him kill / rape / BURN more people. You could kill him and him only or you could let him kill / rape more people.
(09-08-2012, 06:19 PM)hellshell Wrote: Some people say this: Death sentence: You're just as bad as him by taking his life.

And I think that that's complete:
- ugly image -

I think this is the right way to say it: What would you do? Taking his life, or let him go and let him kill / rape / BURN more people. You could kill him and him only or you could let him kill / rape more people.

Calling other peoples opinions bullshit is a bit immature but whatever.
May I ask how anyone or anything gives you the right to judge if people deserve to live or die?
Nobody should be allowed to do that even if they're in a government position which allows them to.

Punishing another person by granting them a dead penalty will make you nothing better than them.
Death penalties may seem necessary, but I believe some research is in order before we just sentence every murder to death. Have a look at this:
(09-08-2012, 09:46 PM)UTLonghorn12 Wrote: Death penalties may seem necessary, but I believe some research is in order before we just sentence every murder to death. Have a look at this:

I didn't think we sent every murderer to death, only the extremists who are obviously mentally ill and unstable
(09-08-2012, 09:24 PM)StillAlive Wrote: Calling other peoples opinions bullshit is a bit immature but whatever.
May I ask how anyone or anything gives you the right to judge if people deserve to live or die?
Nobody should be allowed to do that even if they're in a government position which allows them to.

Punishing another person by granting them a dead penalty will make you nothing better than them.

Actually, he is allowed to think that what we think is bullshit. It's his opinion. Of course he can think it's bullshit, it's his right.

OT: Watch this

It's Jeremy Irons, therefore all your arguments are INVALID!
I support death penalty, but only in cases where there is no doubt at all about who is guilty.
People keep saying about 'what gives you the right to end the murders life'. I agree.
However what gave him the right to kill all of those inoccent people?
(09-09-2012, 11:40 AM)Verenikin Wrote: I support death penalty, but only in cases where there is no doubt at all about who is guilty.

There is always a shred of doubt. There have been plenty of cases where people were convicted, as all evidence pointed towards them, were executed, but were later found to be innocent.

(09-09-2012, 11:48 AM)ukpezzzz Wrote: People keep saying about 'what gives you the right to end the murders life'. I agree.
However what gave him the right to kill all of those inoccent people?

He doesn't have the right. But how does that make killing him OK?
Nobody should lose his life, nobody.

You need to imagine you only have this one time on earth, afterwards you will be vanished. Nobody wilol knw you, nobody will remember what you did, and you are sleeping and never ever gonna wake up again.

This is something humans cant control yet, so we should not decide wether someone should die or not.
And from my point of you, everybody deserves a second chance (I know it may sound iditotic but I know why I am saying this, and I thought about it well.) you would like to have one too.
Thats my motto for live : Treat everybody like you want to be treated.

Death penalty is as bad as the crime comitted. It is euthanasia from my point of view.
If you want a world without that bad people ,you need to be smart too.

I dont want to die , whatever I have done. And I never what someone else to die, unless it helps someone reducing the pain.

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