Unban Request
If I remember right
It's something like lua/autorun/client
(08-29-2012, 01:58 PM)Temar Wrote: If I remember right
It's something like lua/autorun/client

I found a file called lua/autorun/console. I removed it from the gmod folder, do you know if there was any more files? should I just delete my folder? is there a way to reinstall?

Also btw, my friends who are still playing the server, are saying that alot of people are getting banned the same way I did. I think that the auto ban thing, should be altered so that, an admin or something can confront the player beforehand and ask what files he has installed and settle the issue person to person instead of though a ban request, because obviously there can be, and are some issues with how the bans are given and for what reassons

Edit: I googled it (me being a noob) and i found out myself how to remove all files from Gmod, and reinstall, I proceeded to do so and have reinstalled the game. I also found the mod that I had installed, which may of caused my ban. I did so by going through my browser history and finding the things I installed and looking at the lua's. The "hack" I had installed was called "Server autoaim".. I misunderstood the name by thinking that it ment, a autoaim for (my) server. I was trying to find a aimbot gun for the admins on my server, because i was trying to make a build server. Now either this "hack" is for all servers (which is what im starting to think) or one of its lua's triggered the ban. Before I had tried removing the file by deleting the addon's folder, but I now know that doing that wont work. I have now deleted all of my Garrysmod/garrysmod folder and i am hoping that i can get my ban lifted, simply due to the fact that it was a fail mistake on my part, and that no actual "cheating" or "hacking" occurred. BUT like I stated earlier, I still believe that the auto kick needs to be adjusted. This is my scenario of a good ban for hacking. A hacker logs in with wall hacks or aimbot. The admins are NOTIFIED (instead of instant ban) and can handle the situation by confronting the player, asking what files are installed Blah Blah and can determine if it is a real hacker, like if the file is called AIMBOT.LUA then they need to be banned. but if its like flyer.lua or something then they shoulden't be, because I know for a fact that I am not the only person banned for something like this, and in my case it may of been an actual Cheat or something (still I don't positively know) but I think admins should be in charge of bans not some type of system. Then again its your decision's not mine. Like I stated earlier , I hope that I can get my ban uplifted, because this was a mistake on my part, and what I am accused of never actually happened. Thanks for the time

Like my 213124983245 edit: I found a post of someone who was banned for same reason http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=16688 . but he was given a second chance. plus they knew he was cheating, from where Im standing, i think i deserve my ban uplifted to. Hey could i get a reply on this ASAP because i would love to play, or at least know the verdict
Yes people get a 2nd chance, and so will you, thats why you ban is not perm and expires in about 4 days
make sure you have removed the files or it will be a perm next time

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