How not to: Metagame

Alright, seen as the majority of the server has no clue how to RP decently I've decided to put this small guide together.
It is not copy/pasted from anywhere, even though there is alot of guides on how to prevent metagaming.
Myself, I've seen alot of extreme metagaming, players (Even a few admins! No names. :3) having no idea of what it means or how to avoid it.
And of course, one will say that he RPs the best, maybe because in his eyes he does whatever he can to RP the best or he has no idea on which elements of RP he should avoid.

Metagaming in OOC chat

Yes, metagaming in OOC chat. You can't do that, bad, bad RPer!
Most of the players knows this one, asking for a Chef, Gundealer, Black Market Dealer or any other job in OOC is seen as metagaming.
First of all, think if this was rea life. There would be no such thing as OOC chat. It would be like you, ordering a gun without even contacting the Gundealer. It would be like, random guy showing up on your doorstep, pointing an AWP at you - but you're not afraid, because you somehow know that he will sell it to you. He says:"14k" and you give him those 14000$ and you receive your weapon. That sir, is called "Magic" in real life. And we ALL know that there is no such thing as magic.

Metagaming in RP chat

Now, this is where most people fails... hard.
By default, you should know that your character is NOT you.
Therefore, your character can't see the nametag other players has and therefore, he does not know their name.
In real life you would not randomly walk up to someone and know their name AND job?

You:"oh hey thats gundealer bob johnson"
Me:"How do you know?"
You:"lol you rp noob cant you see his job is gundealer and his name is bob johnson on the scoreboard lol????+"
*Burke transforms his hand into a meathammer and hits you repeatedly in the face.*
Me:"There is no such thing as a scoreboard in real life, cigarette."
You:" afgrgrlglrglmmmnppppph... "

More metagaming in OOC


(OOC) Player 1 says: Omgg help fireman there is fire in my place at the pool plz come help i hav contra and stuff in there plzplz help

*Burke transforms his right foot into an oversized drill and shoves it up yo' butt* No, you're NOT.

Also, it does not allow you to "randomly" stumble upon his base. That is just one poor excuse for going there IC and admins will most likely kick your sorry ass out of the server for it aswell.

Glitchy Mechanics Metagaming

You've probably seen this one alot of times, some random dude is supposed to be hiding on the other side of a wall with a crowbar... there's just this one problem - HIS FREAKING HAND HOLDING THE CROWBAR STICKS OUT OF THE WALL! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa.

Sure, it does. But is that really possible in real life? No. I think not. Also, it might not only be a hand with a crowbar. It can be his shadow, the tip of his rifle or maybe a part of the player's body.
All of this is not possible in real life, so you do NOT go there, the only valid excuse for this would be the point that you'd have to go into that room anyway because you were searching a whole hallway.

Thanks for reading my short guide on how to not metagame. Aslong as you follow my guide (Or any other guide for anti-metagaming) everything will be good.

- Burke
Pretty good, if you ask me. Seems pretty easy to follow. So yeah..if you've read this you shouldn't really have any excuse to Metagame. Cheese
This is solid I will favorite it.
Pretty good guide - except, you refer to not knowing a characters name/job straight away ..

That's true SOMETIMES - but it's only semi-serious RP, so you can tell who the gundealer is on sight - to make things a little faster.

Rebels/Mafia - it's more tricky, less so with knowing who they are - although their outfits give it away - if they're wearing suits, then you don't really know who they are.
I agree with you Sniperwolf, as Fearless is only semi-serious there is no need.
But, this is a guide on how not to metagame. People should think of this guide if they ever connect to a serious RP server. Cheese
Good guide dugehong Cheese
I've never actually seen a -full- serious rp server. Fearless seems just right for me though.
A full serious RP server? I could recommend you one, even though people has started being inactive.
Also, I'm sure that the Fearless Community would not approve of me promoting other servers on their forums. xD

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