Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP] Dan da Man [EasytoPMme]

Your ban ID: [13953]

Banned by: [FL] Privatetoast

Server: v2d

Involved: (No one)

Why we should unban you: I think You should unban me because it was a simple mistake all the features where turned off, me and my friend were trolling darkrp and I forgot to delete my hack after.i'm really sorry please unban me.Never knew its still on.
I am his friend, I was with him (on the dakrrp trolling) I told him to turn all the features and delete it, he forgot to delete it and he never knew its still on. I was not in flrp at the time. I have however deleted mine. I can clarify this is true.
It's true what my friend said.I'm very sorry i don't even know how to hack my friend told me to download it for DarkRP trolling and then after i got bored so i turned the features off but unfortunetly forgot to delete the hack.Please unban me.
It's your own responsibility for making sure you are clean before joining FL.
I'm sorry i never knew about it.
You will be unbanned in 2 weeks. If your hacks is not off next time you will be banned permanently.

Unban request denied.

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