Its fucking hard to play here.
2 hours.
Thank you.
Stop posting multiple threads ffs. Also you don't get a fucking reply every fucking minute so stop with the shitty edits.
Im sorry about them. Im just wondering when my ban goes out. As i think it should be gone now.
(01-03-2011, 02:37 PM)Skaara Dreadlocks Wrote: Just listen. In RP: Some times you have a bad day. Some times you have a good day. Some times you have a bad week, sometimes a good week.
The thing is that you've got to adapt yourself to the environment and the people around. And to do that, you'll need lots of time.
I know Fearless isn't the RP server with least raiding and shooting. Actually it's quite opposite of that. It's just that you have to use your enemies' weapon.
Let's take an example: Me. I joined, and I thought the server sucked since you had to get LOTS of cash to even get a car. But I kept playing, and as people kept raiding me, I grew a habit. I found out more and more about which rooms they check, and which corners they check. After getting a decent car, I drove around and looked for new and better places where none seeks for contraband. At the moment when you don't have weapons, but a car, then you drive around to get driving-skills. When you've got afford for weapons, you're already finished with your driving-skills. This is the time when you keep close to your hideout as you earn more money (which you will need for other stuff later, of course) -and practice on shooting introuders! And getting friends on the way is not such a bad idea Wink And if you already kinda knew this, then... "I was just trying to help! D:"

Thats deep man, real deep..

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