Silent Hill Revelations.
so anyone looking forward to this?

Also a couple of quick questions.
1) Have you seen the first movie? if yes whats your thought about it? if not DONT watch it.
2) If you have seen the movie is that the only silent hill related thing you have seen/played.
[Image: silent_hill_revelation_2_by_zajakiel-d559ghc.jpg]

I myself am kinda looking forward to it and kinda not. I really hope it will be a real Silent hill movie seeing as the first movie was the biggest damn BETRAYL of all Silent Hill related things ever. Oh well hope the new one will be good. And from what i have understood it will be released during Halloween this year. Looking forward to it kinda.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Ever since I got told that there was a silent hill movie, I cracked open my chest of treasures and started to play all the silent hill games.

I'm looking forward to this movie Cheese Hope it doesn't make me feel violated like the last one did.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQH1LVREuvx4seHRpMfcca...9hvf3tMbs0]

I'm quite excited for this. I heard it's supposed to be a continuation to the first one, which is considerably the best game to movie transaction. Also heard they'll have completely new monsters in this one.
Well the movie is a adaptation of Silent Hill 3 which is the continuation of Silent Hill 1 and ill be happy aslong as they don't do any changes of the story from the game and aslong as the new movie don't become a large betrayl like the first one.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

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