Chair abuse
Name of playerToungerosto, DrTosspot

SteamID:STEAM_0:1:24268801, STEAM_0:0:17697547

Time in GMT:17.00-17.30 (19.00-19.30 local time)


Summary:Like on phone and in Thread Subject they abusing chair to avoid arrrest.
We had problem with people in lobby (small riot with flares) so I suggested to make a lockdown to clear the lobby, most people leave it without more problem but 3 people stay with one was arrested and this 2 use their chairs to avoid arrest and I give them 15s to get up and leave without arrest


I was too lazy to give link to one by one so I give a album
[Image: image.png]
Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk
There was no lockdown at that point, hence you had no reason to arrest us. If you had a reason to arrest us, you could have gotten an arrest warrant, and we would have gotten out(and we did later when I had an arrest warrant on me, despite the fact there was no reason for it), but you never got one since we weren't actually doing any crimes. We were just sitting in the lobby as a protest. So how were we using chairs to avoid arrest?
I made it after lockdown and you was sitting long time in this chair.....

Hope that suggestion about chair will be accepted
[Image: image.png]
Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk
Yes, I was sitting for a long time in the chair, long before you came, and long after you left, I didn't just instantly spawn the thing when you started ordering people to leave just to make you powerless. And no, you did not give me 15 seconds to leave or face arrest. You just simply instantly screamed in LOOC that I was chair abusing and said in LOOC that you were going to report me if I didn't get out. If I remember correctly you didn't say anything IC. As I said, if you had a reason to arrest me, you could have just simply have gotten a warrant, I said I would have gotten out of the chair if you got a warrant on me, and I did later, even when the warrant was for no reason. I wasn't committing any crimes and you didn't try to get an arrest warrant, instead you just instantly screamed chair abuse and ignored the fact that I said multiple times if you got an arrest warrant on me for whatever reason then I would get out so you could arrest me.
I did give you 15s to leave, I hope admins will see this in logs about you lied XD

And like you said "if you had a reason to arrest me, you could have just simply have gotten a warrant" yes but it was too late you didn't say this before (at lockdown time) you was just sat in a chair it was impossible to do anything
[Image: image.png]
Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk
(07-07-2012, 06:06 AM)Doctor KuLa Wrote: I did give you 15s to leave, I hope admins will see this in logs about you lied XD

And like you said "if you had a reason to arrest me, you could have just simply have gotten a warrant" yes but it was too late you didn't say this before (at lockdown time) you was just sat in a chair it was impossible to do anything
Quote:If I remember correctly you didn't say anything IC
Quote:If I remember correctly you didn't say anything
Quote:If I remember correctly
I made it perfectly clear that if you felt I was doing a crime, and got a warrant, I would have gotten out for you to arrest me, I said that 2 or 3 times. You never bothered getting one, so either you felt I was never doing a crime, the president never felt I was doing a crime, or you were just so determined to post a BR that you actually ignored that entirely.
You had no reason to do anything else, I was being completely non violent and making no attempt to run away, so you had no reason to shoot or taze me, and you had more than enough cops to stop me should I try to get out of the chair and leg it. And as far as I know, IRL cops don't handcuff you if you're being completely non violent, so you basically had no reason to do anything else than get an arrest warrant, at which point I would have gotten out so you could arrest me. And as I have said, I said this 2 or 3 times, and when I got randomly arrest warranted like 15 minutes later, I got out, despite the fact that there was no reason for the arrest warrant.
I don't see you asking them to get off the chair ICily, just threatening to ban them in LOOC. They had no arrest warrant so they really didn't avoid anything.

[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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