Friday's Humble Unban Request.
Person Banned;
Russian Friday.

Ban ID;

Banned By
Beflok? The name of the person that claimed to ban me was Cheezeburger.

Server Banned from;

Person(s) Included;
Walrus - I 'backdoor admined' him because he stole my car and was killing, prop pushing/surfing, cursing, etc.

I think that you should unban me because...

(Backdoor Admining)I didn't know that killing someone that was completely intentionally ruining the game was called backdoor administration or was even banable. I had read through most all the rules, and I hadn't seen anything about it. He prop killed me, prop pushed my car, killed me again, stole my car, prop pushed me again, (Not killed me this time) stole it again, and when he got out of it the second time I figured I could kill him for not only stealing my car, but of course cheating in basically every way possible.

(Propsurf and Lie)I wasn't trying to prop surf, I was trying to make a barricade between me and and car that I thought was going to kill me. I didn't lie about 'prop surfing' because the admin that banned me did not ask me in a way that I understood him, and so I couldn't give him a real, straight-forward answer.

(Fading Door Abuse)An admin actually told me to do what I had done to my house. He had told me to block off the other garage door and the actual door and just use a fading door. I did mostly this, just as he said. Here is a screen shot of how I had my doors arranged.
[Image: evi.png]
I didn't have the door on the left blocked like that,
its just an example.

I really like this server and have already put 24+ hours into it, and I only found it two days ago. I was just getting to know the community in the server, and I planned on doing everything I absolutely could to help the server in any way I could. I wouldn't do anything to purposely break the rules that I know, and I had every intention for playing all of today and tomorrow and many days to follow. I wouldn't consider an entire week ban to be reasonable, I would be totally satisfied if you only shortened it.
I've actually been on the server more in the past few days than I have slept, so I need to do that for a while.

Thank you for any consideration you give to this thread, and I hope to see everyone in-game hopefully soon.
[Image: sometime.png]
Keep lying keep it up. I saw you alone on the road with villas on it. NO CARS. You spawned a soda machine and tried to fling yourself forward with it meaning some type of prop surfing. I don't care what you call it its abusing props. You even said "you know how long it takes to walk all the way from corleone spawn to the city? Takes forever" I will add some more time on for your lies though.

I didn't ban you also for your base I banned you for fading door abusing. Meaning you cannot just hit the numpad button for it you have to type in a code.

Don't make it look like you are innocent because I have all the facts and I dont miss much. I will not tolerate being lied to either.

Denied, added more time.
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