The Raid.
We and my rebel friends did not at all like this President and our friend was in we raided the Nexus...

We made it to the Nexus and broke in through the garage meeting our new friends armed with weapons, we crack the door and headed up the elevator...

We came up and broke him out of jail (He cowardly ran away) and we ran to the elevator. Noticing a Special Service Agent coming up, we had no where to go...

We hustled to the jail cells and hid ourselves in the dark, but sadly most of us were arrested, i was known as the one not. After he had left (he never locked the cells) we headed out gladly knowing we outsmarted the police...

This is where it all goes wrong. We were heading up the elevator following a man in handcuffs, i could not catch up to them they left me and before i knew it i saw my friend's bodies falling to the ground...

So i tried to sneak out i waited on the elevator and went in y got to the bottom floor and was caught by policemen and of course, arrested...
That isn't RP, Thats just a raid...
It still seems like you had a fun time, I would call this a win. Sadly it was not the best RP in the world. But it's still a win!
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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