ban hyde
Hyde [FL:RP]


2:20 pm est

Breaking Fear RP Chair abuse

Lol omg im so sorry but I didn't hear any microphone at all. Its shown in the video & I swear I heard no & saw no mics whatsoever. Im clearly breaking FearRp but its only because I didn't hear him. Im really sorry Earl but you have to agree that I obeyd when you typed didn't I ? I talked on skype & that might be why the microphone glitched ingame. Im sorry earl but this is only due to a glitch man, I truly look retarded & im sorry. I apologise & this behaviour is mingy but its not on purpose. I can't really proove that it was a glitch as I didn't record but if you analyse the video it shows.
Lol? All you did was tell me to "F" off. And I know you heard me because I talked most of the time when I was speaking to you and all you said was F off.
Also, why would you get in a chair and abuse that? You come on here acting so sorry, but at the time all you wanted to do was spit profanity at me. Even if you didn't hear my mice ( you did ) then that give's you no right to sit in a chair to avoid arrest. Let the admin's decide on this. I have nothing more to say to you.


[Image: 37EB137F483491319FFFC2851C542D9FEEE01E1D]
Their's what you had to say to me whenever I told you I was posting a ban request.

(06-04-2012, 06:26 PM)Hyde Wrote: Lol omg im so sorry but I didn't hear any microphone at all. Its shown in the video & I swear I heard no & saw no mics whatsoever. Im clearly breaking FearRp but its only because I didn't hear him. Im really sorry Earl but you have to agree that I obeyd when you typed didn't I ? I talked on skype & that might be why the microphone glitched ingame. Im sorry earl but this is only due to a glitch man, I truly look retarded & im sorry. I apologise & this behaviour is mingy but its not on purpose. I can't really proove that it was a glitch as I didn't record but if you analyse the video it shows.

Check the first few second's bud. You turn around, and see me with my gun out. What do you do? Derp your way to the Nexus and abuse a chair. Nice try though. Lying doesn't help.
Ehm you stalked me around & I said fuck off IC. When you did the local OOC I responded properly & acted like I am now, I didn't hear the microphone at all. I didn't sit in the chair to avoid arrest I was waiting for the president to reach the lobby as I made an apointment & when I sat there you & 3 others SS came just wanted to arrest me so I got up & spammed pm's and such that you would ban me. Thats why I was all wondering as I didn't hear any voice.
(06-04-2012, 06:36 PM)Hyde Wrote: Ehm you stalked me around & I said *** off IC. When you did the local OOC I responded properly & acted like I am now, I didn't hear the microphone at all. I didn't sit in the chair to avoid arrest I was waiting for the president to reach the lobby as I made an apointment & when I sat there you & 3 others SS came.

HAHAHAH, Your a darn liar man. You were trespassing in the Nexus garage as shown, and then you thought it'd be super 1337 to spawn a chair to avoid arrest. Why would you sit there and blatently lie like that? Really show's your true color's man...
My point of view:
Hyde,Random,RikarD & wolffie were planning an RP so Wolffie me and richard went to garage & was headed up to president.
We got told to leave so I did, running of to nexus lobby & waiting there. I heard nothing but when I turned around an SS stood there for no reason trying to taze me. I said fuck off 2 times & then the ban request notification came up & I stopped Rp'ing. I deleted the chair, talked to earl & then tried to follow up on the Rp but it was too late as they others had already gone. Server crashed soon after & here we are. Im not lying & honestly did not hear / did not break FearRp on purpose. The behaviour is though really idiotic on the video & as I have no proof to proove my point I will accept whatever happens. Just wanted to say Earl , im truly sorry , no bullshiting.
(06-04-2012, 06:52 PM)Hyde Wrote: My point of view:
Hyde,Random,RikarD & wolffie were planning an RP so Wolffie me and richard went to garage & was headed up to president.
We got told to leave so I did, running of to nexus lobby & waiting there. I heard nothing but when I turned around an SS stood there for no reason trying to taze me. I said *** off 2 times & then the ban request notification came up & I stopped Rp'ing. I deleted the chair, talked to earl & then tried to follow up on the Rp but it was too late as they others had already gone. Server crashed soon after & here we are. Im not lying & honestly did not hear / did not break FearRp on purpose. The behaviour is though really idiotic on the video & as I have no proof to proove my point I will accept whatever happens. Just wanted to say Earl , im truly sorry , no bullshiting.

Explain you being a cool fella then and calling me a "Tough Guy" after I told you that I was posting the B/R.

Done arguing this time man. Good day.

As I didn't hear anything I didn't know I had done anything wrong & just for running you're saying im posting a ban request enjoy so I said tough guy. Random BR threaths just pisses me of but I now see your point. This isn't how it looked at my screen though & thats why im apologising.
Accused player Hyde [FL:RP] will be banned for 2 days.
Evidence was legit, stop lying on ban requests, this is pretty damn obvious.

Banned for FailRP, FearRP and chair abuse.

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