Disbanded bands?
Just felt like typing up this little question for you all while im sitting here waiting to do my math exam. Alright so the question is is there any band that you like that have been disbanded and if yes then what band is it and why were they disbanded?

Guess ill start.

The band is called Ultima Thule and is a swedish band that played rock/patriotic music in the begining of the 90s but disbanded after after a couple of fans took the music the wrong way and started to scream things like Sieg H**l during a concert and the band who had been bad mouthed by a swedish news paper for sometime decided to stop because they didn't want their band to be looked at as a nazi band.

Alright hope to hear some answers from you guysSmile
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Dream Theater's drummer Mike Portnoy left to join A7X(Avenged Seven Fold) cause A7X's drummer "The Rev" died.

Portnoy was the heart of Theater, and they haven't made a new track ever since
Avenged seven fold dont exsist anymore right? not 100% sure but pretty sure i heard they disbanded and formed other bands.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Avenged Sevenfold does exist and it haven't disbanded you silly.
Are you sure? then what band am i thinking of...Hmm... TO GOOGLE!!

EDIT: Apparently i am Dumb as shit since i know remember where i heard that Avenged sevenfold was disbanded. It was from a friend and why i believed him on that i don't know -.-
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

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