I want to go in your server !
I'm just view your rules and the title screen(with the musicSleepy),
but the server send me more problem, at the end of downloads, he diconnect me.
Please Help
Try downloading the files manually from this site

P.S: Try to brush up your English Tounge
Welcome to Fearless!

Also, if your tag is meant to be for this server, it's this: [FL:RP]

Also as Warrior said, revise on your English I little Wink

Hope to see you in-game!
Thank you for help so quickly!
I'm French, it's for her that I speak very little English! I feel sorry for her!

I am sorry to intervene as his, but it always disconnects me!
He displays the error: Disconnect. ERROR! Reliable snapshot overflow ...
Just try to join it like 10 times after each other and it should work.
If the problem Persists, Try starting up Singleplayer first before joining the server, I cant join the server without starting Singleplayer Beforehand.

Hope this Helps!
Welcome!! You will enjoy the server for sure but please just check this thread, it will solve the issues or explain them.
Maybe you don't have the map... :|.
R+ L = J
Do not load through the single player if you plan on making a fading door with a keypad it will not work..

Reliable snapshot overflow eh? Just keep retrying to join eventually you will get in.

Welcome to the community don't worry about your English we have people from all over the world that do not have perfect grammar.
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