A very Dylanesque hello
Hello there!

The name is Dylan (well the Steam name is Dylan [CSN]), and I'm a new member of this community! I've played Gmod for a year, almost, and since I've started I've stayed with one community (which unfortunately closed down recently). Faced with the danger of getting some physical exercise and making something of my life, I got a call from a mate of mine (Hyde), who said your server was awesome. At first I resisted to join you, resorting to saying "Et tu, Brute?"

But I tried your server out once, after I had tried several others (which really, really, really sucked). Needless to say, I got hooked on your server. I'm usually a LiteRP man myself (I think Perp and the like is way to serious and slow), but your servers have a very nice blend of action and slow paced RP, which I can really dig.

Though I have only put 8 hours into your servers thus far, i foresee I will put a lot more into them, so I thought "better sooner than later, to introduce myself".

Anyhow I look forward to meeting you all in-game, having a disagreement over the rules, and promptly hating each other for the rest of our lives <.<

Oyeah, and I love Bob Dylan, greatest musician ever, he is.
Welcome to the server, I'm glad that you've enjoyed what you've seen so far and I hope you stay for a long time. Smile
[Image: source.gif]
Welcome and I hope you enjoy all the server!
Hello Dylan,

I wish you welcome to our Fearless Community's Forum !!

See you soon !!
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
Hi Dylan, nice seing you again.

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