FUMUKU International
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Moist
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35466978
Your Age: 14 (turning 15 in October)
Hours on server: 230
RP Events you have been in: Recently just rejoined FL after a break but since then I have done Air Force Museum and a few other small RP events.
RP Point Amount: 1
Ban History on Fearless RP: 0


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for:
Security Division

Full Name: Gordan Leary
All Nicknames: Gordan
Age: 28
Date of Application: 15/06/12

Date of birth: 14/10/84
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: New Zealand
Telephone Number: 05357494
Mobile: 047487302
Driver's License Number: 38434

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 1 Sickness Road
Zip code: 7878

Suburb / City Evocity, Villas

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 24 Hill Street
Zip code: 9394

Suburb / City Christchurch, Inner City

Why are you applying?
I was involved with FUMUKU as a SS agent in a raid, I liked how the team was very organised and tactical and I want to be apart of that.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I was a police officer and a part time member of the Armed Offenders Squad in Christchurch.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I am a tactical and strategic person who is well trained with weapons from my past experiences. I also work better with a highly-skilled team.

What will you offer FUMUKU?
I will devote alot of time to FUMUKU and become a loyal member.

Character Bio:
Lived in Christchurch as a police officer and a part time member of the Armed Offenders Squad. I left shortly the recent earthquake since me house and my belongings were destroyed. I moved to Evocity to start a new life doing various jobs to get myself a decent income.
*** Some sort of Encrypted PDA-Device appears on the desk of the Chief Executive Officer. ***

_ _ _

Opening MAIN ROOT.. #Connecting to Crash.S45.Dump
#Accessing Secured Satellite connection (TECH-5)..

##Creating TEMP-PASS|474**48

Access granted to FILE @Crash.S45.Dump=Admin.ROOT.
Hello, CEO of FUMUKU International.

Rendering FILE "[email protected]"
Printing FILE on PDA monitor...

RENDER Complete.
[Showing File]

_ _ _

.: Hello, CEO and FUMUKU employees of FUMUKU International :.

[Image: 2gw56xk.png]

During my endeavours into many other Companies and Organisations, the one more secret then the other, I have learned much about myself, about my own character and discipline.
I have much more experience and skills then ever before, I know how to take care of myself and the life of the ones close to me.

Therefore, I have decided to gladly return to FUMUKU International so I can share all this knowledge with my fellow employees and join myself up again with my old friends.
I have included some of the Personalia that I felt necessairy to [If needed] update and share with the Staff and the employees of FUMUKU International.

Full Name: John 'Shadow' Andrews
Gender: Male
All Nicknames: Shadow, Shaderp, Shadeww
Age: I am 21 years old currently.
Date of birth: 21st of November, 1991.
Date of Application: 26th Of June, 2012.
Division you are applying for: Security Division.

[Image: 2gw56xk.png]

#Searching RECORD "APPL-Shadow-0478178.doc"
##Printing RECORD on PDA monitor...

I have checked up with some of the Data records about my previous application,
experiences and any other information in your highely secured Archive database, they should be showing up about.. now.

Printing Complete.
[Showing File]

Spoiler :
(02-18-2012, 02:06 AM)Shadow Wrote:
.: Shadow's Application :.

Steam Name: dim3nsionx
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38395357
Your Age: 20
RP Point Amount: 33
Hours on server: 817
Ban History on Fearless RP: 2

RP Events you have been in
I have been in alot of Roleplays & Events.
I also was temporarily instated in FUMUKU's DEA Operations not so long ago.

Character Bio

[Image: 2gw56xk.png]

In Character Information

.: Personalia :.

Full Name: John 'Shadow' Andrews
Gender: Male
All Nicknames: Shadow, Shaderp
Age: I am 20 years old.
Date of birth: 21/11/1991
Date of Application: 18th of February, 2012.
Division you are applying for: Security Division.

.: Residence :.

Zip code: 0101-78
Address: Some apartment in Evocity.
Mobile: Not obtained.
Place of Birth: Unknown location.
Telephone Number: Not obtained.
Driver's License Number: Not obtained.

[Image: 2gw56xk.png]

Why are you applying?
I am applying since it is a great opportunity to test my skills and improve them,
also be able to work in team and with colleges.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I am an expert at building Security/buildings, negociations, solving problems, etc..
I find myself be able to master the skills to wield every weapon you can name in order to protect any threat, inside or outside.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I am a very dedicated person and I will not let anyone down.
Social, flexible and trustable are close to my personality.

What will you offer FUMUKU?
I will offer my skills, knownledge and experience towards the Clan and I shall improve and learn new things everyday.

[Image: 2gw56xk.png]

Thank you for taking the time to read over my application.
I hope I will be taken in consideration.


_ _ _

End of FILE

Removing FILE "[email protected]"
Activating C4 on PDA Battery...

Thank you for reading this file. This device will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

Lost connection to the server. ###


_ _ _
The following 5 users Like Shadow's post:
  • earl, jammi, Grub, DerStorm, Campress
Welcome aboard Shadow: STEAM_0:1:38395357
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D
Security Clearance: D
F.I.D: S.D 4460

A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well, follow orders given by those higher up the chain of command and stick to specific FUMUKU Radio Frequencys for orders or updates on Operations.

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what".

Theft of office supplies will also not be tolerated.

Welcome aboard Moist: STEAM_0:0:35466978
Your employment status has now been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D
Security Clearance: D
F.I.D: S.D: 7753

A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well, follow orders given by those higher up the chain of command and stick to specific FUMUKU Radio Frequencys for orders or updates on Operations.

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what".

Theft of office supplies will also not be tolerated.

You are also to attend a meeting with us next time your in the City.
The following 2 users Like Dubwub's post:
  • Nevy, Moisty
I'm leaving this clan. Bye everyone.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
(06-28-2012, 07:20 PM)Midget Wrote: I'm leaving this clan. Bye everyone.

You were still in it?

I hardly see you around, and when i do, you never did talk to us

In anycase ill update your status from Inactive to Quit
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
The following 1 user Likes BlackDog's post:
  • Dubwub
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL] Ruxandra
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15331114
Your Age: 26
Hours on server: 500
RP Events you have been in: Organized around 4, participated in around 6.
RP Point Amount: 17
Ban History on Fearless RP: 5 Active bans.


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: The FUMUKU Security Division

Full Name: Lilly Norse
All Nicknames: Lilly Norse, Miranda Lawson
Age: 26
Date of Application: 29.06.2012

Date of birth: 25.05.1986
Gender: F
Place of Birth: Evocity
Telephone Number: None
Mobile: 555-0679
Driver's License Number: Disclosed.

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: No registered Address
Zip code: -

Suburb / City -

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Baker Street number 3, Complex 1, Apartment 3
Zip code: 311021

Suburb / City

Why are you applying? Well payed job, a chance to make a career, possibly a valuable asset.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? Served two years of the last President's Mandate as his personal bodyguard, deceased due to heart failure.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? Millitary background, experience in the domain.

What will you offer FUMUKU? Loyalty.

Character Bio: At the age of 18, Lilly Norse enrolled in the military hoping to make a career out of it. She left after seeing lower chances of advancement due to gender discrimination. At the age of 21 she decided to do private contracts as a security guard over different agencies, most of which had a confidentiality contract.
At the age of 24 she was recruited to be one of the three personal guards of the current President, which in the end died due to heart failure while holding a public speech.
At the age of 26, she was offered a one-time contract with FUMUKU to assault and aprehend a number of 5 people who were suspected of dealing illegal activities. The mission went successful with no casualties when she decided to apply and get a permanent post as one of the Security Guards of FUMUKU.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Welcome aboard Ruxandra: STEAM_0:0:15331114
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D
Security Clearance: D
F.I.D: S.D: 6641

A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well, follow orders given by those higher up the chain of command and stick to specific FUMUKU Radio Frequencys for orders or updates on Operations.

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what".

Theft of office supplies will also not be tolerated.
[BOSS] Slayer
Rusty Kuntz
Almost 50
Friend Tim Jones on another server made a businesse calls FUMUKU and now is in it on the server, looks fun.
Ruxandra joined us? It seems like yesterday we were trying to raid her base because of contras...
Welcome anyway!
The following 2 users Like DerStorm's post:
  • Shadow, Campress

Steam Name:omriedri
Steam ID:‪STEAM_0:1:28569760‬
Your Age:16.3
Hours on server:460
RP Events you have been in:100+
RP Point Amount:12
Ban History on Fearless RP:3(actually 4 but it doesnt count)

Division you are applying for: Security

Full Name:omri edri
All Nicknames: Race
Date of Application:29.6.12

Date of birth:26 /5 /1996
Gender: M
Place of Birth:israel
Telephone Number: None
Driver's License Number:5487-42-9547

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Zip code:77671

Suburb / City :ashdod

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Zip codeThinkingame

Suburb / City

Why are you applying? Security

What is your background in the field you are applying for? i working at the Security of Evo City for long time,actually 21 years.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? i'm a Great RP Guy,i love to RP,i'm Rich,i help people out.

What will you offer FUMUKU? Cash (= haha no i'm joking,a great guy to rp with.

Character Bio:Male,21 years old,Rich,Friendly Guy.

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