But unfortunately...
(03-07-2013, 04:48 PM)Nancy Botwin Wrote: but fortunately it did not get broken

He got a smile on his face, but he just noticed that he wasn't Soulripper, but he was somebody else of the FL community, it was ... *Quack-your-answer-BLEH-maquck* ...
(03-07-2013, 05:03 PM)DubpleRW Wrote: He got a smile on his face, but he just noticed that he wasn't Soulripper, but he was somebody else of the FL community, it was ... *Quack-your-answer-BLEH-maquck* ...

Then unfortunately Salinsky smacked him across the face with a tiny gold fish and asked if he slept well.
Thanks to the goldfish Soul will not die from hunger.
(03-07-2013, 05:24 PM)AmbientEcstasy Wrote: Thanks to the goldfish Soul will not die from hunger.

The next day Soul's body was found on the road, he got CDM'ed by [blahlalhla-your-input-next-poster-pleasure-to-meat(yush meat, not meet, cause you all love meat, right?)-you-my-russian-friend-if-you-actually-are-russian-but-you-still-gotta-be-my-friend-right-well-i-hope-to-see-my-self-die-well-im-being-lifeless-like-shit-because-im-doing-dis]
samuel jackson who was on his way to get KFC
theN he takes a dump
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Unfortunately the feces bounced off the toilet into his face.
Fortunately a hiding assassin who was after him was disgusted by this and decided not to go anywhere near him.
Than he decided to upgrade ALL the FL servers to 1000 slots.
Then the FL host self-destructed.

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