What you've just said is that it was not a bug, and simply failure to tweak the code. 

He claimed land as land of The Great Pirates after TheUnknown had claimed it. He did not claim any other land that had been unattached to the "Main claim" of any other faction. He only stepped in when it was going to be used to attack his Faction's land. 

He used admin powers to conquer land belonging to TheUnknown. This in itself is not the problem, if this indeed an administrative action, so be it. 

The problem is Temar claimed land for The Great Pirates belonging to another faction, more land AROUND The Great Pirate's main claim using administrative powers. If the land claimed by TheUnknown had been claimed as an administrative action, unclaimed and nothing else had been done, there would be no problem. Temar conquered land belonging to another faction using administrative powers. Temar claimed MORE land using administrative powers. This, in my opinion is the same as giving himself money or items on the Garry's Mod server, as land is a major factor when it comes to the Faction plugin for Minecraft.

Temar took land from another faction and gave it to his own faction using administrative powers. He claimed more land for his own faction using administrative powers. 
Truly, that's all that needed to be said. Bug or not, wrong actions had been taken by the staff member Temar.
yes its a bug
and how many more times, i used admin to remove there land
and as for taking the land, i DONT need admin to do it
this happened after there initial attack and they had LEFT!
(02-15-2015, 07:56 PM)Temar Wrote: yes its a bug
and how many more times, i used admin to remove there land
and as for taking the land, i DONT need admin to do it
this happened after there initial attack and they had LEFT!
What you just said makes zero sense. 
'I used admin to remove there land'[sic]'

'I don't need admin to do it'. You're contradicting your sentences, it seems you're getting caught up in your own lies. 
You are now changing your reason for claiming our land from 'testing' to the raid ending. Why are you changing your point of argument every so often?
WTF are you on about
taking away your land, and taking land for my faction is 2 different thing
what the hell are you on about with "testing"?
(02-15-2015, 09:05 PM)Temar Wrote: WTF are you on about
taking away your land, and taking land for my faction is 2 different thing
what the hell are you on about with "testing"?

I would like you to post the logs of the events that followed after you claimed our land and the comments you put(unedited ofcourse).
Please note that just because you have played on the Minecraft server doesn't mean you are involved.

You are only involved if you were on the server and witnessed this event first hand.

Warnings have been issued.
I didnt come on and stop the raid, i logged back in after talking on teamspeak and finding our they claimed land next to us
the raid was over they had gone home
I've been having trouble deciphering this case, but after a lot of looking into it I think I finally understand all of the problems here.

First, the number one biggest problem is people who aren't involved posting. It's a major problem, and if I had it my way the non-involved warn would not be 10% but would be 20-30%. It's a serious issue because it harms the defendant's (in this case Temar) defence, as often staff make a decision when taking into account posts by these people. It's an unfair trial, and the only people who should post are those who are directly involved, the defendant, and staff. It has also made it very hard to decipher what's going on in this thread, and rather than reading fair and objective posts all I can see for 90% of the thread is long ranting posts against Temar, some of which aren't even related to the case at hand - this could also sway an admin's opinion unfairly. Any further uninvolved players posting will receive much heftier warnings.

Another problem is the amount of wordplay going on here. People are twisting each others words to try and reinforce their own argument. See the below example.

Spoiler :
Temar: yes its a bug
and how many more times, i used admin to remove there land
and as for taking the land, i DONT need admin to do it
this happened after there initial attack and they had LEFT!

Ghost: What you just said makes zero sense.
'I used admin to remove there land'[sic]'

'I don't need admin to do it'. You're contradicting your sentences, it seems you're getting caught up in your own lies.
You are now changing your reason for claiming our land from 'testing' to the raid ending. Why are you changing your point of argument every so often?

Now, I can understand confusion at Temar's words; he didn't phrase things all too well. However, by reading a few previous posts and getting the correct context, it makes perfect sense to me. Temar first states that he used admin powers to remove the land he claimed was bugged - which may well be the case - and then proceeded to claim further land as a player using the factions system, for which he did not need admin. While it's badly worded, it makes sense in context. Ghost, I can understand you being confused at his wording, but instead you fire off loaded comments trying to claim that him badly wording things is proof that he is lying. If everyone calms down and deals with things objectively, rather than jumping to conclusions and firing off loaded comments, this'll go much smoother and we'll probably get a fair resolution soon.

Going on to what I think actually happened regarding the land claiming.

Firstly, according to Temar, it should have been impossible to claim unclaimed land that is directly touching another faction's. This is what happened first. Land was claimed - on which a TNT cannon was built - where it should not have been able to. Whether or not this is a bug can only really be answered by Temar, as he is the one who set up the servers and config files. I will say from experience hosting a few different MC servers that they can be buggy as hell and the config files a mess.

Temar's administrative action was to remove this 'bugged' land. He then proceeded to claim further land around his faction area, but he did this as a player, not via administrative commands. While the timing may be to his advantage, neither action by itself is abusive. Had he claimed the extra land using administrative powers then it would be a clear cut case of abuse, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

I'd also like to point out that the other controversial features/non-features of the server, such as lava, are not relevant to this case. Admins judging this case should ignore anything that isn't contributed by those directly involved.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
I'm not 100% sure but like a week ago we were with temar on teamspeak about a problem that we couldnt claim next to other factions and we had nighthawkd and theomenz if im right (or masternoda) look into it because temar couldnt find the line. Then one of them found the line of code and the statement was set to true so it was claimablr again. so if im not misunderstood at all this piece of code got changed a week ago. 

We need nighthawkd and/or masternoda or the omenz confirmation for this.

If this is true he might have abused if this is not the case im not involved and sorry for the inconvience then.

-Not inolved, warned.
Yes you should be able to take the land of a faction with low power
And there was issues with it
Taking wild land that isn't connected was never intended to be allowed and set that way but isn't working hence more problems
I've known about it and wanted to fix that and I knew people was able to take land eg 2nd base etc. it would of been a pain to enforce that so i ignored it until I could get it fixed
But then it was used as part of a raid taking wild land and using to advantage in attack. Blocking us in and building cannon which couldn't be destroyed by normal means
And even after the raid was over and they went home the land was making it impossible for us to rebuild and defend
It would of forced us to move which I find unfair considering you didn't take the land using conquer
And would of done same no matter the faction and yes aparently it's not the first case but first I knew about

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