Ryuk Shinigami
Not involved. Warned.

Cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he really is.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Not involved. Warned.
Involved, was on the server and read the discussion online ongoing between Brikaas and accused.

Let me start with the use of the word gay. Since when is the use of this word seen as homophobic? Its probably the least homophobic word out there when you are describing someone who is attracted to his/her own gender. I can think of a lot of other 3 letter words people can use to describe gays in a way which is far, far more offensive.

That being said, the word was yelled randomly without any context so some people could have seen it as offensive. Banning/blacklisting seems for me a way too harsh punishment for this. A normal polite "plz stop that" would have been enough imo.
Involved, As you can see from that screenshot I was there when this happened.

I can see why this could have been offensive but the word "gay" is so massively overused these days that in my opinion it doesn't really have a strong meaning anymore. People use it to describe things (For example "That shirt is so gay") so it is often used as a joke-y insult between friends. That being said I can understand why the phrase "Haaaaaaa Gaayyyy" could be seen as insulting because it is mocking homosexuals. I don't think that Ryuk should receive any form of punishment, maybe just a warning about language on OOC?

P.S. Please excuse my grammar and general sentence structure. I only just woke up.
I can see and understand your issues with this, Brikaas.
However simply using the word ''gay'' is not deemed offensive, it never has.
Unless it's used in an obviously homophobic sentence as for example something along the lines of this: ''Fuck you, you're fucking gay!!''

With that being said I disagree with this being said in a homophobic way.


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