Fearless so far
I was playing PERP and I like their idea of questionaires - you get around 5 questions and each one explains a situation, so for example:
You have just arrived at a scene where a man is holding a hostage and threatening to kill the hostage if anyone enters the facility. You are equipped with a gun to your side and are prepared for when the hostage is extracted. At the present moment, what do you do?

1. Run in, shoot the suspect, potentially killing the hostage.

2. Wait until the hostage is out and secure, and then allow SRU to enter and stay behind them. (this one)

3. Dance around and not care about the situation, it's only a peasant.
that would work
(03-17-2016, 05:10 PM)connbob Wrote: I was playing PERP and I like their idea of questionaires - you get around 5 questions and each one explains a situation, so for example:
You have just arrived at a scene where a man is holding a hostage and threatening to kill the hostage if anyone enters the facility. You are equipped with a gun to your side and are prepared for when the hostage is extracted. At the present moment, what do you do?

1. Run in, shoot the suspect, potentially killing the hostage.

2. Wait until the hostage is out and secure, and then allow SRU to enter and stay behind them. (this one)

3. Dance around and not care about the situation, it's only a peasant.

This is what I mean. I was staff for PERP and I never liked the questionairres because look how ridiculously obvious the right answer is.
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
It should be something tricky and that is related to the actual server rules.

Anyway, how about adding ranks and getting whitelisted for a higher rank? So like you start as an Recruit that has passed the questions, then you get promoted to Police Officer I that gives you access to a weapon maybe. Thats just 1 thing in how could this be sorted.
(03-17-2016, 09:52 PM)iTomukas Wrote: It should be something tricky and that is related to the actual server rules.

Anyway, how about adding ranks and getting whitelisted for a higher rank? So like you start as an Recruit that has passed the questions, then you get promoted to Police Officer I that gives you access to a weapon maybe. Thats just 1 thing in how could this be sorted.

That would push us more towards serious RP when we are semi-serious. I think the exam is enough. Worked for the Chinese for thousands of years, can work for FL.

Fearless Administrator
Suggestion for a question:

There has just been a raid in the Nexus, you get a notification on your radio that all units are needed in the nexus.
When you get up the elevator there are 3 people with weapons. A rifle is being held to the presidents head.
They are yelling clearly: "Do not come closer, or we will shoot!".

Do you:

A: Take out your assigned weapon, aim for the head of the man threatening the life of the president and fire.
  Then proceed to take out the other 2 men with more lethal force.  

  *Wrong: "why"

B: Talk with your fellow policemen and the SRU team to try and solve the situation in a way where the least lives get hurt.
*Correct: "why"

C: Run towards the president, quickly tazer and handcuff the target and hide. Proceeding to neutralize the other 2 targets.

 *Wrong: "why"
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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