[forumgame] roast the person above you
you have a shit picture for a profile pic and always talk about religion when you can't make a good insult.
what country do you come from???
[Image: jqC25Xr.png]
Thank you Envy
Shouldn't you be drinking tea.. or something?
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Get back to banning those trolls you lazy Norwegian pig
[Image: jqC25Xr.png]
Thank you Envy
doesn't know where i actually come from.
Ignorant person
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Do you know the feeling when you accomplish something, Midget?

Oh shit you haven't accomplished anything.
Go fuck a reindeer.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Come to helsinki and I might. Smile
You're back? AGAIN? what... for the 5th time?
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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