Kevin the god#9324
Steam Name: Kevin the god#9324

SteamID: none

BanID: none

Ban Reason
i asked divey if he could commit any hate crime what would he do

Staff Member: i think divey but i didnt actually see who banned me

Involved users
me divey

Why should you be unbanned?
i understand asking divey if he could commit any hate crime what would he do was not the best idea. But i am a nice guy. I am a catholic and it was all a joke. I feel me being banned was very extreme and a nerf or a warning would be enough. I was asking divey similar jokes to this and he was joking and going along with it so i should be unbanned. I understand divey cannot be demoted for trial admin so i hope he receives no punishment and i get unbanned form fl discord.

Messages In This Thread
Kevin the god#9324 - by kevin the god - 12-31-2020, 12:56 PM
RE: Kevin the god#9324 - by Conn - 12-31-2020, 02:16 PM

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