PR on L3ttuce VDM | Changed job to avoid RP
Name of player: L3ttuce

SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:171876935

Time in GMT: 7:00PM gmt

Server: Main EVO2

Summary: He CDMED 3 Males or More. He also Changed Job To Avoid RP / He was being hunted and changed job to avoid the hunt for himself

Evidence CDM - This is a tad laggy due to a spike in CPU events I at first thought it was my self but logs showed L3uttuce. As seen here I was on a traffic stop spotting the car to then attempt to chase L3uttece 

3 Mins later after he changed job
[Image: FYJG4OF.png]

Messages In This Thread
PR on L3ttuce VDM | Changed job to avoid RP - by Doormat18 - 04-30-2018, 06:41 PM

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