Player Report: Ethan | Nova_Stunts
Name of player:
1. Ethan
2. Nova_Stunts

1. STEAM_0:0:61025599
2. STEAM_0:0:78260628

Time in GMT:
Something like 19:30 GMT


Myself and sebasti went to raid the base at slums containing the "Brovka Brothers". We were preparing ourselves, sat on the corners ready to peak the door and were shot through the wall; using the bug of our weapons pointing through the walls to their advantage.
They were not prefiring either side of the wall at any point.

Evidence: (CLIP 1 = Nova_Stunts |-| CLIP 2 = Ethan) - Full videos are available upon request from an administrator.

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[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Player Report: Ethan | Nova_Stunts - by BasicallyMental - 04-13-2018, 08:19 PM
RE: Player Report: Ethan | Nova_Stunts - by fieldy - 04-13-2018, 08:36 PM
RE: Player Report: Ethan | Nova_Stunts - by fieldy - 04-13-2018, 08:39 PM
RE: Player Report: Ethan | Nova_Stunts - by fieldy - 04-13-2018, 08:46 PM
RE: Player Report: Ethan | Nova_Stunts - by fieldy - 04-13-2018, 08:54 PM

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