Forum Warning
Your name: Doctor KuLa

Your SteamID: N/A

Your ban ID: N/A

Banned by: Holdem

Reason: Racism

Involved: Everyone from here:

Why we should unban you: I'm sorry if you don't accept fact about the scale of terrorist attacks by islam in country that are mainly populated by followers of Mohammed (for example Iraq) is greater than in a country with have low amount of them (Poland ~1%). Thats why islam (Like seperatism and other) is one of the factors that increase a chance of terrorist attack.
I just said a simple fact, thats all.

"Sorry for my Anglish" - Polacks
[Image: image.png]
Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk

Messages In This Thread
Forum Warning - by Doctor KuLa - 08-23-2017, 02:56 PM
RE: Forum Warning - by Tomo - 08-23-2017, 08:46 PM
RE: Forum Warning - by Tomo - 09-01-2017, 01:40 PM

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