Report - Terrorist TallJake, Userone, Bobo
Name of player: Terrorist TallJake, Userone, Bobo

SteamID: Jake - STEAM_0:1:49073217 / Userone - STEAM_0:1:44251175 / Bobo - STEAM_0:0:193447733

Time in GMT: 22:30pm

Server: v4b1

Summary: Basically what happened was, these guys randomly took the vice hostage and then me as I drove nearby. A guy then attempts to kill them to help us but he fails and then it results in Userone rdming the vice when killing the other guy. Then Terrorist TallJake makes sure they're dead and shoots them both with a pistol.

The game didn't pick up my voice unfortunately. Which also means they killed me although my mic didn't work but still continued to kill me as they saw the voice radio act.


Messages In This Thread
Report - Terrorist TallJake, Userone, Bobo - by JessicaCandyX - 05-21-2017, 10:54 PM

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