/prop command - gives prop's location (such as model/x/x)
Title of Suggestion: ^

Description: A /prop command, which will print the prop the user is looking at.
My Example:

Spoiler :

hook.Add( "PlayerSay" , "SayPlayer" , function( ply, text, tChat )
    text = string.lower( text )
    if ( text == "/prop" ) then
        local eye = ply:GetEyeTrace()
        if IsValid(eye.Entity) then
            PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Model: ".. eye.Entity:GetModel())
            PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"This is not a physics prop!")
end )

^ Something simple, just like that.
Looking at 2x4 metal phx prop response =
Model: models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl

Why: Times I have been asked what prop I am using in a build, or other people want to know. This is a simple solution to that.

Messages In This Thread
/prop command - gives prop's location (such as model/x/x) - by Conn - 05-15-2017, 02:28 PM

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