Fieldy UBR
Posting on be halve of Fieldy

Your name: Fieldy

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60344235

Your ban ID: 73458

Banned by: [FL] Agorith

Reason: BRA (74627) - Continued disrespectful and insulting behaviour on FL services.

Involved: n/a

Why we should unban you:
I'll keep things brief. It's been almost year since these events happened, times have changed and people have moved on. I've finally come to the decision that I'm ready to return a place I used to call home, to see old friends and meet new people. Although I probably don't deserve it I'd greatly appreciate it if I could have a second chance to redeem myself. I feel as if I would become a great asset to the server and due to my vast experience in passive and aggressive roleplay, I would be a suitable role model too. I also have obtained a great knowledge of the rules for the server and would be able to pass my knowledge onto others if required. Thanks, Fieldy.

Messages In This Thread
Fieldy UBR - by Willem de Walrus - 04-26-2017, 08:02 PM
RE: Fieldy UBR - by Spear - 04-26-2017, 08:46 PM
RE: Fieldy UBR - by Spear - 05-01-2017, 12:16 PM

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