Unblacklist Request: Coupcake - Unsupported Props
(03-05-2017, 06:57 PM)Brikaas Wrote: Good evening Coupcake,

You have been approached by another Administrator [FL] Spear whom asked you and gave you a warning before about the same construction. This has been said to me by other Administrators whom were witness to it.

Your constuction wasn't supported, and you were warned for it before.

Fearless Administrator

Hello Brikaas my darling 

I was approached by Spear who mentioned it needing supports. Hostage then added supports. 

In this situation, my friend Wheatcake said he would put supports in place after the spawning, and once it was running. The original plan was for me to simply show him, but we decided to go ahead and RP it. I'm sure he will be willing to comment. 

[FL] Spear never gave any real formal warning as it was via /pm If I remember correctly, and I did follow his instruction and added supports. 

You can ask more than one staff member about the situation, and I believe most will agree that they had not had any issues with it, other than the supports which were sorted.  You claimed the coaster killed people although it was very secure and smooth. I should not be the one punished for people jumping onto the tracks of a moving coaster. I'd also like to add that staff had involved themselves in the killing of innocents! 

You refused to listen to me throughout the entire sit as I explained the situation and changed your mind on what was wrong on more than one occasion. You prevented a passiveRP, any many more before it could be even started on the basis of no supports, although my friend was on his way asking where I was, which can be heard in the video

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RE: Unblacklist Request: Coupcake - NLR - by Coupcunt - 03-05-2017, 07:50 PM

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