National Office of Security Enforcement (N.O.O.S.E.) [Not Recruiting!]
Hello all,

first off, this is a sub-clan for police/government rp. You can join this clan to become a full member when you like good, serious and realistic police/government rp. The best is you are donator because you need a fine black suit for some ranks. I will promote you so please post your application here and I'll take a look at it. Check the details below.

*** Outstanding performance and behavior are rewarded with awards. They are endowed with a monetary bonus. ***

[Image: NOOSE-Logo.PNG]

National Office of Security Enforcement (N.O.O.S.E.) is a agency that supports the authority of the government with specially trained and qualified officers and agents who provide the safety of diplomats and the people of Evo City.

N.O.O.S.E. provides:

[Image: bb107b.png]
Made by Lani and desinged by Andreas

Special Weapons and Tactics "S.W.A.T."

The special tasks of individual units depend not only on human strength and structure, but above all, what authorities they are connected and which region they cover.

So the S.W.A.T. is nevertheless determined, the police authority to provide capacity to safely handle high-risk situations. These include:

* Kidnappings.
* Barricaded persons.
* People with suicidal intentions.
* Raids and searches, is expected in those with resistance.
* High-risk arrests.
* Personal protection.
* Sniper missions.
* Other situations, which is expected in armed resistance.

[Image: us-department-of-homeland-security-logo.JPG]

United States Department of Homeland Security "Homeland Security" (DHS)

The main task is to protect the American population and territories against terrorist and other threats.

[Image: usss.png]

United States Secret Service "Secret Service" (USSS)

The Secret Service is responsible for providing bodyguards for the President, the Vice-President, their families, former presidents and their spouses, certain candidates for the office of President and Vice-President of the United States and visiting heads of state.


Special Weapons and Tactics "S.W.A.T."

Chief of Police:
(Director, uniform/suit)
[Application Status: Taken (1)]

(Assistant of the Director, uniform)

[Application Status: Open (1)]

(Well paid, uniform)
[Application Status: Open (2)]

Supply Officer
(Hands out ammo etc, uniform)

[Application Status: Open (2)]

Medical Officer
(Medic, uniform)

[Application Status: Open (2)]

(Instructorn, uniform)

[Application Status: Open (2)]

(Special rank, uniform/suit)
[Application Status: Open (3)]

(Lowest rank, uniform)
[Application Status: Open (5)]

"Secret Service" and "Homeland Security" ranks are the same as in "S.W.A.T.".

Diplomatic protection:
Esoteric PMC

In memory of all members:

Trex [Honorably discharged]
Mahti [Honorably discharged]
Prune Juice! [Honorably discharged]
Gambit [Fallen]
Dr. Noobias [Fallen]
Lani [Fallen]
Andreas [Fallen]
freaky [Fallen]

Lani, Andreas - For the logo and the signatures

[Image: 100px-Lifesavingmedal.JPG]
Police Lifesaving Medal for the great behavior in the siege of MTL - 10/08/11
Awarded to Detective Mahti


If you want to apply for N.O.O.S.E., please answer these following questions in your post:

Are you a donator?
Do you own a black suit?
Can you join the Evo2 server (Wich needs Episode 1+2)
How high is your playtime on the server?


Messages In This Thread
National Office of Security Enforcement (N.O.O.S.E.) [Not Recruiting!] - by Visual - 08-03-2011, 04:39 PM

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