Night, RainbowFantasia and jiggles RDM
Name of player: Night, RainbowFantasia and jiggles


(Night's Steam ID wont show up),

(RainbowFantasia): STEAM_0:0:40929058

(jiggles): STEAM_0:0:47600581

Time in GMT: 30 Minutes from post time

Server: V2D

Summary: RainbowFantasia was the president at the time. He hired me at the time. I go up to talk to him about something and the SRU detain me. I say I am the headmaster and they did not believe it, They ask him and he says not anymore he is useless now and thats when he said "execute him" Then jiggles and Night proceed to take me into this room and RDM me. This is RDM because you are supposed to arrest and not execute. The president also did this to a man before me a couple minutes earlier also.

Evidence: Here I got a video of my execution

Messages In This Thread
Night, RainbowFantasia and jiggles RDM - by skatehawk11 - 11-15-2013, 12:38 AM

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