Games that you really regreted buying
As title says:
I will start
Recently I have been outraged because I have bought so many "recommended" games, by the IGN score/leaderboards
watched (only several) reviews
And at the end been really outraged, by the fact that Its not first time happens that i REALLY!!!! regret byuing a certain game
So here, at this thread post games that You regretted buying

1) Rage - I am enjoying every single one of games by Bethesda, been so excited when bethesda said that they been working on that game for 5 years and in the end been disappointed how bad this game is
2) F.E.A.R 3 - nothing can be more dragging for me like the Horror video games
I really did loved both fear 1 and 2
For they had a great story, and horror atmosphere, but Fear 3.... i dont know how to even describe it...
There is only 1 common thing from 1st and 2nd parts, its a shooter
3) GTA IV - being a huge fan of san andreas game (which I passed like 20 times at least) i've been disappointed how crappy the 4th one is
the only thing I liked is a free roaming multiplayer, and still it was not good enough

Now you

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Games that you really regreted buying - by Dr Tomorrow - 08-11-2012, 09:30 PM

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