Your Name [FL:RP] Oblivion

Your Ban ID 4675

Banned By Console

Server SeriousRp

Involved No One

I really would like to play on FearlessRp, but unfortunatly I have issues getting onto the server like automatic console bans as soon as I get on the server, i'm not certain but the moment it loads im banned and it keeps saying "Kicked by console reason at Fearlessrp.net" or something like that i'm thinking that it's my ip or something maybe it thinks I should be banned permanently so every time I try and join I get banned!

I would like this problem solved as I have done nothing wrong to cause this, if you could please try to fix this I really like this server but i'm doubting ever being able to come on. Check, I tried joining on the 24th of March 2012 and as soon as it said goto fearlessrp.net and check the bans I checked there was absolutley no trace of bans today or near today I havent come on the server for months now, because of this problem it never came to me to try because I forgot about it but now i have tried again and still it bans me!

If any of you could add me on Steam, Skype etc.... I will be happy to add you and get this sorted!
Name on Steam: <>SR3<>Neutrino<>SR3<>
Name on Skype: oblivion0073

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request (BANNED BY CONSOLE UNKNOWN REASON) - by Spookichicken# - 03-24-2012, 12:44 PM

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