FL's content and gamemode
(05-31-2022, 04:54 PM)Pollux Wrote: While you bring up many good points, in the end they are your opinion and you have to recognise that. You have to understand that while you loved the old system, equally others hated it. Our job is to balance the two and find a way forward that the majority likes, and so far that has been with more "modern" features. We haven't even done too much in regards to making FL more "modern", the gamemode is very much still the same from years ago and plays like the same. Depending on who you ask, that's either a good or bad thing.

One thing which I can objectively say is the majority of players like the direction we're going in, just to give you a bit of data we did a Survey last year while we were planning out a potential new gamemode to see what people like.

People were asked to rate how much they liked certain features of the gamemode on a scale, here are some of the ones you mentioned as things that need to change:

[Image: raw]
[Image: raw]

By far the majority of the community either didn't care or liked it, it's also important to note that Kevlar had further refinements after its release to make it better such as hot swapping with a single key and being able to move. While we appreciate any feedback, the reason we've always never implemented changes many rant about is because the majority of players who do play like what we've done. Nostalgia can sometimes be extremely strong and blind people to the issue FL had in the past, for example a lot of people forget that the old vehicle system killed you if you crashed at 10mph - that simply is not fun gameplay. A lot also tend to forget that the old combat system was just a numbers game as to who had more health kits, a lot of people don't miss the weapons but rather miss the fact they were invulnerable. Even if we did swap back to the old weapons, it'd play out very similar to how current combat does due to health kit spam being gone. This isn't to say the current system is perfect, it's more of a step in the right direction and needs further refinement to make it more fun.

While we have increased content, you also have to take into account that download speeds aren't what they once were. We've had an explosive growth in internet speeds, with many having even gigabit speeds available now. This means download times are less of a concern now. The situation we're in now is complicated especially with props, as we can't trim content without also breaking old dupes. With cars, we don't have a choice. We have to use what is on the workshop and nowadays they're all much higher in quality. Cars are also a major part of FL now, so it's not a bad thing if content is taken up by things people actually like. There's minor changes we can do to improve this such as replacing cars which aren't used, but there won't be a massive reduction.

The truth is that FL has to adapt to survive, and this means we have to change things for better or worse. We don't add features for the sake of it, if we could survive without changing anything then we would but that simply isn't an option. Many people who play FL have thousands of hours and want change which is something we're doing.

Nothing is perfect, but all the data we have tells us the direction we're going in is good. We are already looking into refining content (especially cars) and making more changes to weapons to make it more fun, as that is the most important factor in the end. We're looking at what we can do to try and provide a better economy to provide players with more things to do, which is currently our biggest priority as that's another factor the survey showed us. 

[Image: raw]

Out of 104 responses, only 8 want things to be the same as they are now in regards to the economy and market. We're going to try a few changes which will bring us to a more partially player-run system with essentials being similar to how they are now. It's very much going to be an experiment, but it's something we have to try. It's something different to all the other servers out there and something the community has indicted they want, which is exciting to us.

We're not going to try and please everyone as that is impossible, some people will obviously hate the things we do and others will love it. The only important thing to us in the end is making sure whatever we do is fun and ensure our vision lines up with the community.

Curious as to how many of these players still play or remain active within the community, or if their opinions will remain the same. 

The server should be doing everything it can to gain players, not retain the ones who have made it abundantly clear that they can’t play, or simply don’t want to come back anytime soon. Retention of old players simply isnt working.

Revamping the game mode and it’s content to make it more appealing for newer players > Keeping the game mode the same because of a survey taken when the server had consistent players.

Make another survey and make it so it’s taken in game.
I feel like I'm Gucci Mane in 2006

Messages In This Thread
FL's content and gamemode - by Grape - 05-31-2022, 03:09 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Awestruck - 05-31-2022, 04:13 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by B33n - 05-31-2022, 04:30 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Pollux - 05-31-2022, 04:54 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by B33n - 05-31-2022, 05:24 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Jimmy The - 05-31-2022, 10:28 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Pollux - 05-31-2022, 10:59 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Vauld - 06-01-2022, 03:13 AM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by B33n - 06-01-2022, 05:57 PM

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